MovieChat Forums > The Mindy Project (2012) Discussion > April 12 Episode [TOTAL SPOILERS]

April 12 Episode [TOTAL SPOILERS]

I don't mind that the episode wasn't funny, at all. What worries me is the schism between still trying to be young and hip, and then the embracing middle-age (or plain maturity). You can't have Tamra being dissed by young drudges; it totally changes the character. You can't have Morgan being serious--this is almost breaking the fourth wall.

Don't know what the future holds for the series, but I personally would be as happy with, if not even more happy with, the series becoming a dramedy than trying to keep Season 1's effervescence alive. The series has gone where no comedy (or drama) series has gone before, and it has mid-life growing pains. Just, please, don't beat dead horses.

When you love the *actors* so much, you'd watch them in any genre, keep them evolving...even without laughs.


I definitely agree with you about the genre shift from season 1, and even from sesason 2, IMO. I did really like this episode since I had waited so long for it and I thought that they fit in a lot of good story lines into one episode, but it didn't feel like watching a traditional TMP episode at all.

The way things were left between Mindy and Danny at the end was a downer, even though I think it's good for them to be apart right now since she deserves to pursue her own dreams and career (and especially with Danny not telling her he was sleeping with someone else...even though they are separated, I still think that he should have told her since it was pretty obvious that she was getting attached again).

But I did laugh at the Morgan appearance on Seth Meyers' show at the end...especially when Seth was like, "you asked me if you could come on the show", blatantly telling the audience that he didn't invite Morgan himself, haha.


Glad you brought up the (for me) bridge too far with Danny. The fact that he'd be having sex with another woman, after being so "Catholic" as to pray for Mindy to conceive, is, I think, fatal. You can only stretch non-comic material so far within the context of comedy.

The biggest problem this series has is equating maturity with being "old." That has been my only gripe with it from Season 1. The best individual episodes have had nothing to do with age.


I agree with everything you said! Danny has had so many chances to "reform" and he will get better for a while, but then will always revert back to his selfish ways. Mindy has given him way more leeway that most women would have, and it's pretty clear that she is starting to realize that being so susceptible to his attempted charming of her is really unhealthy.

At this point, he is no longer working at the practice and if Mindy doesn't want to have to see him more than she has to for things with Leo, then the viewers will obviously not be seeing Danny much at all in future episodes. I wonder if they are working towards making him vanish (like you said). Maybe Mindy and the writers will just have him move to California to live closer to his dad or something along those lines. I definitely don't think that it would be good to kill him off (like you said)...especially for a show that is supposed to be comedic, even though it is in the process of becoming more dramatic.

It is definitely weird to think of the show without Danny, especially since I was rooting for the Mindy and Danny pairing for a while, but when I was re-watching some of the first season episodes a few months ago, I realized what a jerk he was at the beginning of the show. Like in the first episode when he told Mindy she would look better if she lost 15 pounds--if a guy ever said that to me, I would not forget it. He pretty consistently made fun of her weight for the first few episodes of season 1, so when I go back and watch those, I think that she deserves someone a lot better. Plus, he looked like kind of a hot mess in last night's episode!


I love how Matt from S1 suddenly become Seth Myers. Lol. Wow he upgraded!

My only peeve was that I didn't like how they seem to breeze by the break up of Mindy and Danny in the beginning just cause the When Mindy Met Danny ending was amazing IMO in its mix of sincerity and comedy. Then again I can imagine it'll be a bit of a downer if they continue that storyline in detail so whatevs.

Always stay gracious; best revenge is your paper.


I live through my TV people so I was annoyed by Danny's attitude but glad Mindy choose what's best (right now) for her and Leo. I like them together but I feel like Danny needs a wake up call. He's already told Mindy she's his best friend and he can't live without her, but seems to have forgotten that. He should realise how hurt she would be. Let's see what happens next.


I am 100% with you on that, MissMumbles. Danny has become so immature in recent episodes and it's clear that he really has very little consideration for Mindy's feelings at this point. All he wanted to do in the latest episode is sleep with her and not hear her talk about anything that matters to her. He didn't even care at all when she was talking about her problems at work.


The show has become garbage now. At least there was a little bit more humor in this episode but the jokes feel forced now and are complemented with horrendous drama scenes.
