MovieChat Forums > The Mindy Project (2012) Discussion > Is she not the most adorable thing?

Is she not the most adorable thing?

I've only seen seasons 1 and 2, and I'm terribly glad to have discovered this funny show, and this adorable character. Her "oh" face when she thinks something's awesome is simply too funny. And for a funny girl, she's just too gorgeous for words. I love all the silliness on the show, and the funny theme music. Terrific!


I agree with you wholeheartedly! I love this show and I love Mindy but for some reason people bash her a lot on the threads. They think she's conceited, I think it's confidence personally. They also call her fat and ugly and I just don't agree. So she's not the skinniest girl, but she is an attractive woman and I don't like these people putting her down!


I don't understand how you can call her confident when she delivers all her lines like a little girl. Women don't need to act like little girls and wear shiny lip gloss and be socially awkward to be "good" and "liked" by everyone. I think she gives a horrible performance of a career woman and acting like a little girl was funny for Sarah Silverman briefly like ten years ago, but the routine is dead.


Wow, I don't see her as acting like a little girl at all. I see it as saying that women can be successful without necessarily having to dress and act like men. It is a fine line women have to walk, where you see someone like Hillary Clinton (who, whatever you think of her, is certainly strong and successful) being chastised for raising her voice in a crowded arena and wearing pantsuits, but meanwhile, women who act feminine are criticized for that too. Here's an idea: Maybe women should just be themselves and be accepted for that. The character is presented as a competent doctor. No way to tell that, but we know she works hard, is ambitious, and does things to better herself. Why shouldn't that be enough. Why does she have to dress a certain way, as long as what she's wearing isn't inappropriate (meaning super-revealing or hard to move in, like Manolo Blahnik sandals to work).

Shiny lip gloss? Really? What country are you writing this from? I put on lip gloss every day, and I work from home. It's just a normal thing women wear (but aren't required to if they prefer not). Shiny lip gloss?


Wholeheartedly agree, Kendrah. There's always something wrong with the way any woman on tv dresses, there's no winning there. As for her voice, she speaks like that always, it's not something she puts on. The observation that she sounds like a little girl is very subjective, to me she sounds pretty normal. Not all of us have deep voices.



I think Asian women, on average, have higher speaking voices than white or black women (Actually, I was just remembering the book, A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving where the character spoke in an unusually high voice which enabled him to communicate with the Vietnamese children). That's just her voice. Maybe she plays it up a tiny bit, but I wouldn't expect to hear a flat Sarah Silverman voice coming out of her mouth.

When Mindy Kaling gave her speech at Harvard's graduation last year, her voice sounded essentially like it sounds on the show.


All the attention to makeup and 'girly' stuff is just Mindy spending money. That is fun - if you have it to spend, live in NYC, and are single!
