Garrett Dillahunt and Fortune Feimster
Apologies if misspelled--
Their characters are funny, or at least have the potential to be. But the actors just aren't. Dillahunt in particular looks--I mean really physically looks--as if he's phoning it in. He's a good actor but just seems not invested.
The great thing about this series is that every original character seems real, someone you can believe exists in real-life. I hope because the roles were miscast that Mindy Kaling finds a way to write the brother and sister out of the show. In any event, a romance with Jody would be Casey 1.2 (with a bit of Charley thrown in).
Last night's [sic!] episode had the characters acting against type. Jeremy would never show up anywhere in a t-shirt, except with Peter, maybe. Morgan suddenly and without any Season 4 continuity suddenly moving in with Collette, and then criticizing the Pink Panther? Out of character. The male doctors caring about Mindy's love life? Never happen with Danny or Peter (or Jeremy). Tamra, the brilliant airhead, suddenly calling the shots? Uh-uh.
The guest actor was impressive...but unfunny, because his lines weren't funny. I'll stick with the series until its end. But it's saddening to feel a sort of weariness...especially since the original cast (including Xosha Roquemore) is being robbed of story lines or even dialogue.