Am I the only one?

Who doesn't mind Danny not being there? I love Mindy, and love seeing her embark on new dates and situations. But I've never really liked Danny, he's always been a jerk. I'm sure they will get back together at the end, but I'm loving his departure at the moment.


You know, I'm fine with it. I know he's coming back, but I hope when he does, it can be with a little less drama. I was sick of them always arguing or him acting like he'd be doing her some huge favor by marrying her. I was just thinking this while watching the recent series finale of Mike and Molly, that it was nice that on that show, they weren't constantly breaking up. I like my situation comedies to be situational, meaning not so serialized and just funny. The Danny drama stood in the way of that.

I know a lot of this, they had to do because of his filming, and I did like when he was part of the mix of characters, but I'm just finding it more comfortable without and their arguments and breakups and promises and offenses dominating every episode.


I love Chris Messina and I love Danny but this has been a strong season. The show to me has always been about Mindy, so it's okay that characters move in and out.

I also decided I'm team Jody after "cris cross apple sauce" and gently moving her hand.


Totally agree! The show has been on point since his character has been MIA. Best episodes since S1.


It's not him or his character. Mindy is just funnier when she is single and looking for love or a hook-up.


Definitely not the only one. I also like Chris Messina, but Danny has run his course and that's okay.


I agree with everyone else replying. You're not the only one; I liked Danny....but I think I like Jody more. The bit with Danny was getting tiresome. If they DO bring him back, then at least we got a breather from the same ol' same ol'.


Clearly you're not the only one, but I feel the opposite. The few scenes he has been in remind me of classic TMP episodes. Mindy and Chris Messina have the strongest chemistry of anyone on the show. Despite their tumultuous relationship, they have a strong bond. Aside from that, I miss Danny as a lone character. Aside from Mindy, he has been the most complex character portrayed. We know Danny has a macho attitude, fear of abandonment, a strong love of family, etc. He complements Mindy's outgoing and outlandish personality. They clash, but in so many important ways they have helped the other grow up.

Also, I have to say, even if Mindy/Danny is no more, I loathe what they are doing with Jody and Mindy. They are replaying the Mindy/Danny relationship with Jody being portrayed as a Danny 2.0. They have zero chemistry and it is incredibly unrealistic.

I think Jody and Mindy pander to fans who enjoy the cookie cutter, 'happily ever after' kind of relationship. It sounds adorable, but it's not realistic. It reminds me of how saccharine they make couples like Jim and Pam. Danny was an absolute jerk, but he's not a bad guy. I love that TMP has taken the time to explore the hard knocks of a relationship of two imperfect people. That's what makes TMP leagues above the rest. Jody/Mindy brings the show down to average schmaltzy nonsense.

tl;dr yes I miss Danny.

Some of us prefer illusion to despair.-Nelson Muntz
