series will end with
mindy marrying danny.
shareNot only Mindy marrying Danny, but every member of this show's main cast since its first episode should all be there.
shareProbably so, but I bet they don't get back together significantly before that. It will be like Ross and Rachel, as opposed to Chandler and Monica. Probably next season, which will likely be the last and probably fewer episodes than this season, will be about them getting together and maybe marrying.
The main reason I'd imagine them marrying during the show, instead of just getting together in the last episode as so many shows have done, is that costumes have been such a huge part of this show, so I would imagine they wouldn't miss the chance for all sorts of outfits for engagement and wedding. Also, Mindy wrote the Niagara (Jim and Pam's wedding) episode of The Office, so I bet she'd love to do something here.
Besides the wedding, I think all the each main cast members of this show, since its first episode, should all be returning for the series finale, IMO.
shareYou know what? I would love for this show to surprise us with Mindy marrying...Jeremy. They've both come a long way and changed. And it's time the lothario character got the girl.
shareI don't know about Mindy marrying Jeremy together, that's too absurd. The focus on Mindy's men is getting too overwhelmingly boring and has to slow down to override the imbalance in this show now.
shareNah, if she was going to marry someone currently on the show, who isn't Danny, I'd vote for Brendan Deslaurier. He's obviously at least somewhat attracted to her. He's a little bit of a douche, but she needs someone who challenges her, and I actually think he might be less of a douche than Jeremy, Jody, and, um, Danny. He's smart, and I see no real evidence that he's a sex addict like Jeremy, a misogynist like Jody, or borderline abusive like Danny. And they could add midwifery to their practice somehow, as an option for women who can have that kind of birth after 9 months of complete prenatal care.