Not enough doctor stuff

Feels like they could be working in any generic setting and the show would still be the same. I wish there was more stuff with her and her patients. Also what happened to Anna Camp? I really liked her as Mindy best friend.


Mindy writes about it in her book. She didn't want the show to actually have the heavy stuff associated with being an OBGYN. She just wanted it to give her character a more sympathetic air. Hah


I think that there is "not enough doctor stuff" in the sense that the show has lost all of the office camaraderie that it had in seasons 1 and 2. The show used to have a good bit of focus on the characters' office relationships and that is where a lot of the interesting and funny story lines would happen. One of the best examples of this is when Christina showed up at the office after Morgan mailed Danny's old letter to her in season 1 and everyone was just standing there in shock. I also love the season 2 episode where Jeremy leaves Peter in charge of the office for a day and he goes crazy trying to supervise everyone. There would be episodes where the majority of time was dedicated to having the group together in an office setting, but now it's all about Mindy's personal life with some tiny sprinklings of the office in each episode...but nothing like it used to be. Jeremy (a main, original character who had consistent story lines in seasons 1 and 2) is not even in every episode anymore and neither are Tamra and Beverly. It's just so far gone from what it was a few years ago.


Totally agree with you. I miss the show being more about the office dynamics instead of just Mindy's personal/ dating life. Jeremy was one of my favourite characters at the start of the series.


They should keep more on Tamara, at least, than Beverly.


They should bring back Betsy. Jeremy's scenes with her were some of my favorite.


It's funny because I feel like this season, and in particular, this past few episodes, have had more office stuff (not medical stuff like on House, but stuff in the office) than any time since season 1. This week's episode had the nurses switching doctors and Mindy going into the office for advice from Jeremy about Leo's acting career. Last week's was about the office softball game. The week before was them going to Princeton to promote their egg-freezing business. The rest of the season was back and forth between the office and Mindy's dating life, but last season, for example, was almost all about Mindy and Danny's relationship outside the office and often, the supporting characters wouldn't appear in the episodes at all.

Are we talking about season 4, or are you marathoning season 3 maybe?

"Arguing with trolls is like playing chess with a pigeon . . . ."


I am definitely watching season 4. I agree that the past few episodes have had more office bonding and showing of all of the main characters. However, the majority of the first half of the season was primarily focused on Mindy and Danny's relationship and raising Leo. Also, the first several episodes of the second half of the season were still focused on Mindy's romantic life and many main characters (i.e., Jeremy, Tamra, Beverly, and Colette) didn't even appear in the episodes. I can understand Colette not being there, but the absence of Jeremy and Tamra, especially Jeremy, did not make any sense to me at all.

But we can agree to disagree
