She has had to beg and pull Danny into every step of their commitment. She thought he had bought an apartment for them to start a family and he had bought it to move in his mother. Jody bought an apt not for them but so that she'd have the space for Leo.
So, yes, it's a little weird that he'd do that and he feels a lot more for her than she does him at the moment. But if she lets a guy like that go to run back to someone who would cheat on their fiancée, I'll be really disappointed in her. She deserves better than Danny and the day she admits that is the day she can start moving on.
*** Truth be told, I had to see you one more time, even if it was from a distance.
Hope there's an option "C." Let's not forget that it was only one episode ago where Jody was going to sleep with Mindy while knowingly being infected with chlamydia and he had no intention of telling her. That's criminal. It only didn't happen because Mindy found out, and Jody still had the gall to make jokes about how his mouth wasn't infected.
Buy Jody was trying to get out of having sex with Mindy, he tried to postpone the date, then when she insisted, he wasn't going to go into her apartment, but Mindy insisted...he wasn't being malicious, he was trying to get out of it
Are you actually this gullible, just joking. The bottom line is Jody gave a STD to his girlfriend and WOULD have knowingly gave it to Mindy. These are facts, for all we know Danny may go back and break it off to his fiance and return to Mindy. Even though I hate Danny he at least deserves the benefit of the doubt.
Exactly Lamont. He was going to "wrap it" with plastic wrap. He was in the process of opening a condom he found in the freezer when Mindy confronted him. If he had any intention of telling Mindy he would have done so well before it even got to that point.
But he WAS going to use a condom. Meaning he wasn't going to give her an STD.
And let's get down to the brass tax. Even if he did, a little bit of antibiotics and she would be fine. Danny, on the other hand, manipulated a doctor into not giving her a recommendation to Stanford. Once she felt awful about not going, he then made himself look like the hero by writing a recommendation himself. He never told her the truth. He let her think he did this great thing.
Jody would not do that. He has done everything to encourage and support her.
My point is that what Jody did was a temporary problem. What Danny did messed with her career and life. If I were in her shoes, I could forgive the first a hell of a lot easier than the second. It is gross though. I'll give you that.
*** Truth be told, I had to see you one more time, even if it was from a distance.
It's about character, Jody is a love er sex them and be done with them. He was using his current gal for amusement and nothing more than a sex partner. He knew Jeremy was head over heals into his gal but Jody not once though of his friend and business partner and how it would devastate him, his reckless behavior in sleeping with a woman whom OBVIOUSLY had dependency issues.
Jody has sex with random women without any protection, talk about irresponsible. And he is a doctor. He gave his current gal a STD.
Jody slept with his own brothers wife while he was serving his country fighting in a war. That's really crossing the line.
Jody is what he is, a man with no moral compass for woman and family. Forget Danny but do not walk but run away from Jody.
I find it odd that people are making excuses for Jody's continuously despicable behavior, but make Danny out to be a villain. Danny has made bad choices, but they are more reflective of the negative parts of his personality than purposeful bad behavior. Never has he willingly or purposely put Mindy in danger. I can understand from a character standpoint why Danny and Mindy can't be together now. However, Danny aside, I cannot see the appeal of a Mindy/Jody relationship. It feels shoehorned in and unearned. Jody doesn't even feel like a real person. He feels more like an archetype for what rom-com fans consider the perfect guy. Mindy was able to change an adult male from a chauvinist to a caring, loving individual without them even going through a relationship? I shouldn't expect too much realism from a comedy, but their relationship feels ridiculous and unrealistic. Say what you will about Danny and Mindy, but the highs and lows of their relationship feel realistic and honest. You can feel their connection with every scene they have. Whereas Jody and Mindy feel as though the writers have to tell you how to feel about them. Sorry...I just find the entire situation deflating. Even if Danny and Mindy are not endgame, I don't think Jody/Mindy is the right match either.
Some of us prefer illusion to despair.-Nelson Muntz
I mean, if we're are comparing who is the more awful character, the Danny wins hands down.
What Jody did was not cool, but what Danny is doing (cheating on his fiancée) is just beyond hurtful to Mindy. That's not to say all the awfulness he's put Mindy through in the past.
I'll take the guy who buys an apartment for my son any day of the week over the guy who had an extra apartment and thought his mother was more worthy than his fiancée or child even. Ugh, Danny is horrible.