I'm so over this Mindy/Jody storyline. I like her better with just about anyone else. Hot football guy! Hot landscape design guy! Hell, bring back hot bartender! Only STOP pushing Jody on us, he's such an obnoxious character.


I don't like them together either.


I really like them together.

Dark Stefan, may I have this dance?


I really like them together too. They need to rip the bandaid soon though. I want them to start progressing.


I love them together! Also really loved the Mindy\Morgan interaction last epi.


I'm reluctantly watching but if they put them together I am definitely gonna stop watching. I may stop watching anyway because I just don't like him or his sister. The cast was large enough they could have done losing Danny. It's like they have to replace him with this nitwad and add a lesbian in to be PC, I guess. To me they add nothing to the show.

I'm also getting sick of her horny ass. I understand she's young and women should be able to express their sexuality and all that but she wants to jump into bed with every guy she meets. It's like she forgets she's a mom now.


They didn't add a lesbian to be PC, what a ridiculous accusation.


It's my opinion and I stand by it.


Good for you. Stay true to your own absurdity. ??


I don't like Jody, eitherI live the actress that plays Collette, but I don't like her in this show. I also don't think they added a lesbian just to be PC. And they already had Danny's gay brother on. If anything was done to be PC, it was her dating Ne-yo... That was so random and kind of out of nowhere, and ended so quickly and emotionless my. It's like they realized that she has never dated a black guy, so they had to throw something together. Lol


It's possible that it wasn't so much that she realized she had never dated a black guy as she was responding to criticism from many viewers about how "all of her boyfriends were white".

She says she doesn't let her viewers affect what or how she writes, but I think it got to her to some extent. That's also why she had a seemingly forced short-term relationship with an Indian guy. It was a product of viewer criticism. There were many accusations of her being a "wanna-be white girl".

She did flirt with a black politician in season 2, but that didn't seem as forced as some of her later relationships. Then again, some characters seem to change and develop different personalities (Peter for example).

That might have been due to the switch from Fox to Hulu and therefore, a change of staff.


are you commenting from the 1950's?


I love them together! :)


I like Jody! I think he's actually growing as a person, and its because of Mindy.

