MovieChat Forums > The Mindy Project (2012) Discussion > They completely destroyed Jody's charact...

They completely destroyed Jody's character **SPOILERS**

I did not see that coming from him. Just because you were nice to her, it doesn't mean that she's obligated to have sex with you. They just totally turned him into the stereotypical "nice guy." Why do they keep on ruining the male characters in this show?

It's not like she took the apartment and told him she would be with him before he did all that. He did it to try to apologize for putting her at risk of getting a nasty STD. And throwing stuff at her from his window was completely uncalled for. I love the male characters on this show a lot, but I had to side with Mindy on this one. Also, can't believe Danny isn't going to tell his fiancee that he cheated on her.

All in all, wasn't a huge fan of this episode.


Yep, they pretty much just walked back the entire last half of last season. Suddenly Mindy doesn't feel any spark with Jody, and yet she's the one that kissed HIM in the first place. And they make Danny all nice and innocent in the end but turn Jody into a scumbag, throwing candy (I think) at her from the window?? Some consistent characterization would be nice.

I'm so irritated with this premiere. I knew that's the result we were going to get - choose neither - but I didn't expect this garbage way of handling it.

I also agree. I hope that Danny's cheating comes back to bite him at some point. There was no remorse there whatsoever. I couldn't believe Mindy just went along with it as if it was no big deal.


You think you're upset that they destroyed Jody after building him up for half a season? How do you think Danny fans felt when they did that to him after three YEARS of growth??? They spent years showing how he was Mindy's soulmate and then BAM it's over.

I'm actually glad they made the Mindy-Jody thing look so stupid now. He never really changed, he didn't really love her, and FINALLY both Mindys Lahiri and admitted there was no spark between them. As Beverly said, you need a spark!


I guess that's true, but I feel like with Danny you always saw hints of it. Like his attachment to his Ma (so it makes sense he'd want that for his own son) and when he just went to get pizza after trying to meet Mindy on the Empire State Building. But Jody I thought was set up to be the perfect gentleman, which is why I was so surprised.


They only spent a few episides making Jody look like a gentleman. But this is the man who, earlier in the same season, had an affair with his brother's wife, slept with numerous college skanks, spread around their STDs, and shamed Mindy for breastfeeding in public. And he's an obstetrician!!!


Wow, that's surprising. I mean, surprising that you're surprised. This was exactly what I expected from Jody. He was always a jerk and they just made him nice briefly because he wanted something. It was great that Mindy realized that. Wonder what they'll do with him the rest of the season. I'm glad they put the Mindy/Jody thing to bed once and for all. If they want to keep him as a doctor, fine. Let's see how that looks.

"Arguing with trolls is like playing chess with a pigeon . . . ."




This was exactly what I expected from Jody. He was always a jerk and they just made him nice briefly because he wanted something.

I completely disagree. Jody, has very unappealing attributes but even those attributes were becoming redeemable. He also possessed extremely good and kind attributes, all along. That is one reason they were able to make the story flow and make sense with a romance between he and Mindy. She saw many of his desirable attributes, and his biggest PAST character flaw came back to intercept the beginning of his romance with Mindy; his constant serial womanizing.
Last night's ending was completely bizarre. There was no flow, no continuity to the episode, and partial redos of past episodes (Mindy, waking up realizing she screwed up and running in the rain, in her skivvies or pjs to the residence of the guy she screwed up with, yell at his window, and declare her romantic faux pas.) The last half of the episode was a complete mess and made no sense. In fact, the whole episode was crap.

Jack's not dead! Jack would never die without telling me, first!


^^^^ That right there. For everyone saying "Jody was always this irredeemable womanizing jerk", seriously, did you watch the season 4 finale? Or the last half of that season at all? It was a nice, slow growth to the character and the relationship. Last night was like "oh, we changed our mind midway through writing the script. Just blow it up with the most ridiculous response you can come up with." Even the first half of the episode is like a split personality Jody from the last 5 minutes.

I get the disappointment of the Danny fans. As I've said, I was a fan of that relationship for a long time. But from the time that Danny and Mindy started getting together, he was kind of a dick. Insisting they keep the relationship secret, bailing on meeting her, all the way through being the stereotypical macho guy who wants the little woman to stay home and make babies and THEN slept with Mindy while engaged to someone else...without ever having told her about the relationship at all. THAT is irredeemable, folks. And last night was the last nail - expecting her to suddenly change and do all the things he wants her to, just because they slept together in an elevator. And THEN not planning on telling his oh so unlucky fiancé about his cheating and marry her anyway, when he was ready to end it of Mindy was willing to give in to his demands. How can you ship that?


TotallyGree. I had an issue with Jody's breastfeeding comment when we first met him, but he's come a loooong way.

I was so upset at the last scene where he basically demanded sex from her and threw food at her from the second story. I think he even called her a harlot. So upset they wrote him that way.


For everyone saying "Jody was always this irredeemable womanizing jerk", seriously, did you watch the season 4 finale? Or the last half of that season at all? It was a nice, slow growth to the character and the relationship.

That's a big reason why I never liked the Mindy/Jody relationship. I also don't think Jody was a strong character to begin with. Danny is a jerk and completely flawed, but his character has always felt honest and consistent. Jody is a womanizing, sexist, judgemental jerk in his mid to late forties that changes into a perfect gentlemen in a few months from a crush on his coworker? None of it ever felt genuine; it felt more like wish fulfillment for rom com fans.

I'm sad about Mindy and Danny not being together, but I feel satisfaction in where they are as characters because they have had tremendous growth without changing the core of who they are. Jody is kind of a fun character, but he doesn't feel like a real person. I haven't been able to become invested by him or his possible relationship with Mindy.

Some of us prefer illusion to despair.-Nelson Muntz

