MovieChat Forums > The Mindy Project (2012) Discussion > Who will Mindy end up with?

Who will Mindy end up with?

So I'm thinking this will either be the last season of the show or they'll do a short 6th season. Mindy is doing so much else, and they even shortened the season of the show to accommodate her schedule. Since it's a show about her dating, I assume she will find someone in the end. I've been having fun considering the possibilities.

1. Danny. I think this is especially likely if this is the last season, since it wouldn't require Chris Messina to come back in any permanent way. I don't see how they could make it reasonable for her to end up with Danny after he was so awful. Like, is there jerk conversion therapy? However, I was remembering how, on The Office, Mindy Kaling's character, Kelly, made the right decision and dumped Ryan and married the nice Indian doctor, only to get back together with Ryan on the very last episode because she is stupid. I could see something like that happening here. Mindy Kaling called Danny Mindy's Big (Chris Noth's character on Sex and the City), and Carrie ended up with Big in the end.

2. Brendan Deslaurier. I'm personally rooting for the series finale where she and Brendan realize they're meant to be together. I think it would be hysterically ironic. Honestly, of all the men on the show, the two I can most see her with, if the characters were real people, are him or Cliff. Every boyfriend but Cliff seemed like pushing it to make her go with someone who didn't really fit. A real life Mindy would date a sarcastic lawyer like Cliff. But since they broke them up in an ugly way, I'd settle for Brendan. He has the same sarcasm, and he matches her in intellect in a way most of her other boyfriends, like Casey and now Ben, have not. Sure, he is a jerk, but Mindy is also a jerk.

3. Jamie. Or, since they broke up BJ Novak's character and his girlfriend, they could put them together in the end. When I watched the episodes he was in, I thought it was funny that it would be about him dating her but being in love with someone else because she and BJ Novak have such incredible chemistry. You can tell they are great friends in real life. It was what made it so funny when they repeatedly broke up and got back together on The Office.

4. Someone else we haven't met. This is what they did with Tina Fey's character on 30 Rock, had her meet some rando in the last season and marry him. I found it unsatisfying because it felt like Liz just had to marry someone, but I guess it could happen. Just as long as they don't pull a HIMYM and marry her to a rando then have her realize she's meant to be with Danny.

5. No one. This would actually work for me. She has her baby. Maybe that's enough. It would certainly be a successful outcome to her "project" for her to realize she doesn't desperately need a man.

What say you?

"Arguing with trolls is like playing chess with a pigeon . . . ."


I really liked Cliff. They're balance was really funny and interesting. The fact that he acknowledged her craziness (calling her out for talking to birds) before getting involved with her was a good sign. He knew what he was getting into, and was still excited about giving it a shot with Mindy.

Josh was a lot of fun. Before we found out what a scumbag he was, I thought he had good chemistry with Mindy. They definitely shouldn't end up together, but I'm always happy to see an appearance from his character.

Brendan Deslaurier and his brother are sorely missed. I can't say I liked him as a match for Mindy; he was a bit too condescending to her for my taste. However, I love him as a foil for Mindy and the rest of the practice. Their soft spoken villainy was so much fun to watch.

I want her end game to be with Danny. Despite him being a jerk, I think they had amazing chemistry, and (good or bad) one of the most intriguing and honest relationships in tv history.

I would absolutely hate it if she ended up with Jody. I understand people think that Danny is an irredeemable jerk (I'll save my essay long defense of Danny for another time), but Mindy should never be with someone who almost knowingly gave her an STD. There are lots of issues that I had with that pairing, but that alone makes him the most deplorable person she has ever even considered dating imo.

I quite like Ben. He seems to be a straight forward, decent guy. The pairing is kind of vanilla (not exciting, but not too bad). Either way, we'll see what happens.

At this point, seeing her on her own and self-satisfied would be a great ending. Mindy's growth has been amazing these past few seasons.

This is an environment of welcoming, and you should just get the hell out of here-Michael Scott


Good points, though I honestly don't think Brendan was any more condescending than Danny. And, while Brendan was condescending about things that were a difference of opinion (midwives vs. doctors) or things that were real faults of hers, Danny was often condescending about things like their differing religious beliefs or whether it was correct for a mother to work, the sort of globally different beliefs people should work out before marrying. But I doubt they'd get her and Brendan together. It's just my little fantasy.

I never even considered Jody because I don't think she is likely to end up with him.

"Arguing with trolls is like playing chess with a pigeon . . . ."


That's true. Danny and Mindy both have a history of being condescending towards each other. I'm about to do yet another re-watch just to examine some of Mindy's relationships (specifically Danny and Mindy). I don't blame you for the fantasy. Brendan and Mindy were such a fun part of the first few seasons. I'm just bias to Danny because we see more ups and downs with Danny's and Mindy's relationship than we do with Brendan and Mindy. Although, a Mindy/Brendan pairing wouldn't be the strangest thing in the world.

This is an environment of welcoming, and you should just get the hell out of here-Michael Scott


Hi, you have forgotten who has been there for Mindy since the beginning... Morgan. The only guy on the show she hasnt dated, yet. Even at the end of season 4, he told Mindy people would like to see them together. He was being meta, as the kids say, but that would be an interesting turn of events.


I don't think you're right, but it would be funny. Truly, Mindy is not nice enough to Morgan for it to be a good idea.

"Arguing with trolls is like playing chess with a pigeon . . . ."


I'm pretty excited to see how it ends, because I trust Mindy Kaling with my whole heart. (I have no idea where this trust came from, and it will probably leave me broken hearted in the end, but it's here nonetheless.) I know in her books she mentions that she a big fan of the "wedding plot", but that she wanted her story to be something more than that. Knowing that, I'm really hoping she ends up single. I feel it reflects nicely against the character at the beginning of the series.


Oh I definitely want Danny and mindy together in the end. I'm so sad they aren't together. But I get that they had *beep* to work out, so I understand the progression of their story.

To be honest, the only other guy I really enjoyed Mindy with was Casey (and there's no way that's happening)!


I agree with you. I'm fingers crossed that she ends up with danny. I love their chemistry and their history. When they look to each other i swear i could melt. Also they still love each other, that's why no other relations has worked out and it ended up with danny cheating on his fiancé. I know that he wasn't the perfect gentleman in the last episodes, but it had to be like that.

I also liked Josh until the drugs, cheating, etc. Casey was cool, but when he came back from haiti he was a little bit ''crazy''.
