Exactly. I can only think of two possible explanations for people repeatedly asking about Anna Camp when it's been 5 years since she was on the show. One, the show has new life on Hulu, so tons of people are just now watching season 1 and wonder about it or two (the more likely scenario), the entire population of Anna Camp's hometown in South Carolina is going online forever to protest her not being kept on. Like, who cares about Anna Camp's character? The writers made a huge mistake in giving Mindy a married best friend who lived in Connecticut. It made the show unwieldy, so they scaled it back to be mostly an office setting. Also, Anna Camp is not particularly funny, at least not in the zany way this show is. She didn't fit. They also got rid of Dr. Shulman. Over the years, they have given Mindy other confidantes, starting with Morgan, sometimes Tamra, and, most recently, her character's mother and brother.
It is obvious to anyone who has watched the show that it was spotty in the beginning and trying to find its way. It obviously did, as it is still around. It is common for shows to retool in this way in early seasons. There is even a term for it, Chuck Cunningham Syndrome, where characters just disappear because they didn't work. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChuckCunninghamSyndrome The most famous example I can think of, of this was the 1980s show, The Facts of Life, which started off being about a whole pack of girls at a boarding school (including a young Molly Ringwald). The second season, they wrote out all but four of them.
For a more recent example of a show that has retooled a lot, watch Mom. In the first season, the show was about the main character, Christy, her mother Bonnie, her children, and her job at a restaurant. By the second season, the restaurant characters had become recurring and peripheral, but the show had added Christy's and Bonnie's AA group members as major characters. At this point, the children are barely on (The daughter moved out, and the son is perpetually with his father and stepmother), and I can't remember the last episode that took place at the restaurant, though we know Christy still works there. Good. The restaurant parts were boring. I just looked at Mom's board, and while there is one post about her kids barely being on, not one single person is asking about French Stewart, who was a main character for way longer than Anna Camp was on Mindy. The cast of Mom shows only two characters, Christy and Bonnie, who have been on every episode.
Can I say I think it is a little weird that half the people on this board are accusing Mindy Kaling of being racist for not having enough POC on the show while the other half (and sometimes, they are the same people) are accusing her of something or other for writing off the pretty white girls in favor of 1) Tamra, an African-American female character 2) her mother, a middle-aged Indian character and 3) Colette, a gay character? 4) Beverly, played by an older actress? Yeah, that darn Mindy Kaling, hiring non-white or non-beautiful people. How dare she?
"Arguing with trolls is like playing chess with a pigeon . . . ."