MovieChat Forums > Before Midnight (2013) Discussion > Already seems dated in today's harsher p...

Already seems dated in today's harsher political climate

This self-indulgent gabfest by yuppies abroad feels like an instant relic from the relaxed Obama era compared to the Orwellian, totalitarian nightmare we've suddenly been plunged into with Trump. In a way it's good we've been forced to tighten up our thinking and approach to life; this just feels decadent and out-of-touch with the more meaningful battle for human rights, the environment and democracy we've found ourselves in again.


It's a movie. Chill.


The themes of this movie are timeless.


Ironically, the true terror that has been revealed is that seemingly normal people like yourself can be so brainwashed that you seriously consider Trump’s presidency to have resembled ‘an Orwellian, totalitarian nightmare’ when there is zero evidence of such.

In fact, the persecution, censorship and eventual ousting of Trump by the establishment, and their subsequent lockdowns and global drive toward bio-security states is the real nightmare.

Ironically, the totalitarians duped you into thinking the man that was protecting you was your enemy. Absolutely tragic.


Why would you bump such an insane thread? I can't believe someone actually wrote this 4 years ago, on this movie's board lol.


The insanity of the OP had to be pointed out, and their drivel only looks even more insane with four years of hindsight.
