Still waiting and waiting and waiting...
I use to live the area this movie was filmed and I've heard the visual aspects of the movie were outstanding and I really wanted to see them. Plus the rave reviews for the movie over all.
But I've been waiting to see this film since October 2014! I was hoping it would be released in local theaters because Bruce Greenwood plays one of the leads but nope. Only at film festivals! Ok fine I thought. I'll just wait until it shows at one near me. No problem. I don't mind drive a little bit out of the way. I have patience, right?
The nearest film festival it showed at was 175 miles away and during my regular work days. Ya, I miss my hometown but not enough to blow that much gas money and lose work hours as well. I'll just google images of Alaska or have a old friend send me something off their phone.
I love independent films and such but I wish they didn't make them for just the well off wannabe hipster types :(
Now it stopped playing in June but will start again in October 2015? Does that mean local theaters or DVD or back to film festivals again?
/rant mode off