Love this film

It is so much more than a rom-com. Sure the main couple have an adorable love story, but their relationships with family and friends are all interesting and unique too. The father-son story is so sweet and heartbreaking. How Tim evolves from gawky young adult into a loving husband, caring father, and overall positive person is great too.

Time travel is a weird and often overused premise but despite the few cliche scenes (asking out the hot blond, getting sex right with his true love), it works in this film.

One of the best wedding scenes ever in a film.


Got to agree. It's a simple story done right. All the main characters got their chance to shine, and there was no villain to spoil it. The dynamics with family and friends was perfect.
I rated it an 8/10



I think the biggest insult to this film was the trailer's saying it was a rom-com, I can see why they did it. The romance between Tim and Mary is sweet and both Gleeson and McAdams have great chemistry together. But this film is about father and son, and that's where the film is at it's strongest when it's between Domhnall Gleeson and Bill Nighy. Those scenes always put a smile on my face.

I think it's Richard Curtis's true masterpiece, even more so then Four Weddings, Love Actually and Nothing Hill. Such a shame it flopped in the box office but it's seemed to have gained a strong fanbase over the last few years. My only fault with the film is the character of Tim's sister Kit Kat, she grates after a while. All the performances are fantastic and the soundtrack is great.
