Some questions

So, was Desmond always asking confused questions because he can time travel as well and he's never quite sure if something important has changed in the other relative's lives? Or was that just oddball humor? Was it a sign that things have changed from his perspective that we're unaware of?

It looked like the rules of time travel were that you appear in a closet when you go back. Does that mean wherever you were in the original timeline at that moment, you appear to totally disappear right then to materialize in the closet? They show it working like that the first few times but then he just seems to be wherever he wants to be after that.


Uncle Desmond could not time travel. He was Mary's brother and so not a male in the father's line.


I believe he can go into a closet a dark room or even a bathroom will do in a pinch according to his father's advice.


I was expecting a twist at the end involving Uncle D being caught up in the time travelling but turned out to be juts pleasant Uncle.


Was he confused or charmingly coy? Me thinks the latter as he was very much present regarding the news of his brother in laws revealing cancer
