It's been awhile since I've seen it it, but even if she does say it, many little girls think they will marry their dad one day. This is usually in healthy families where there is no hint of incest or inappropriate anything between parents and children. My dad was my hero. The first man I grew to know and adore. I still remember when they asked me who I was going to marry, and I said "Daddy", and they smiled and said "But mommy is married to daddy,". And I was like "Oh. Oh yeah." And that was the beginning of my understanding that my world had to get bigger. So then I said "Elvis!", lol. I was 3. (I have short term memory problems now, but my long term is oddly clear and I can remember being in my crib--being 2 yrs old, and it's as clear as if it happened yesterday.) In families where they are comfortable showing affection and talking about feelings, a little girl's dad is the first man in her life that she loves, and it's healthy for him to be that. An infant's entire world is it's parents, but that circle grows to include immediate family, extended family, friends, coworkers, etc as we get older. A little girl with a big brother who is good, will often adore him just like her father. In my case it was my uncles who were between 12 and 16 years older than me, and there was nothing weird about my relationships with them, and I still adore them to this day. The OP is way off here; there is nothing creepy about the relationship between brother and sister in this movie. I feel sorry (and I'm not being sarcastic) for people who didn't get to grow up in a family like mine or the one in this movie.
"All the external decorations are less important than giving yourself the gift of time." G. Bujold