Rev. Ron reviews 'Grown Ups 2'
I notice a lot of people on the boards like this one so I'm probably going to get a bunch of knee-jerk reactions for this but, man alive, this movie was awful. The first one had a few moments that made it somewhat bearable (bearable for an Adam Sandler movie) but this one felt like it was literally trying to piss on the audience by making everthing completely unfunny with lame non-sequitar punch lines, weak bodily function gags that seem low brow for even the lowest of the toilet humor lovers and Nick Swardson trying, as usual, way to hard too be funny and failing in horrible ways. There's no story or plot really going on here and the entire film just feels like a lazy attempt at getting cash by editing together what looks like half-assed skits or deleted scenes from the first film and then saying, "Ta Da! Here's the sequel."
You can read my full review at...