Emma S05E09

Olivia Cooke did a really good job with this one.

The whole thing is just heartbreaking with Emma and Dylan.

Perhaps they will leave it open in the finale but I don't think their marriage can survive something like this. They won't end up hating each other but something is broken and it can't be fixed.


It was a huge melodrama.

I saw it as they need to "wrap up" a story for Emma. The thing is Dylan technically knew about this (Audrey) over 2 years ago, if anything that would make things worse.


I think they will be able to weather this - their love is strong. Emma is a sweet girl.


The only way they can weather this is if Romero kills Norman. If Norman goes to trial and Dylan is supportive of him, then I don't think that Emma and Dylan can survive as a couple.


I think it's 50/50 - they don't have this epic love story or anything, so I think they were doomed from the beginning.

If Norman has to be dead for them to be happy - then "their love" isn't strong at all.


Yea well , I doubt Norman will die. I think the writers MUST give us the same ending they the classic movie did- Norman in the jail cell , saying " Why Mother, she wouldn't hurt a fly" with that look that Anthony Perkins gave us and chilled us to the bone.


I think Dylan will come upon Romero trying to kill Norman , and HE will kill Romero. Then maybe Mother will kill Dylan .


It made me cry. What a scene with Emma and Norman. I'm glad she understood that Norman was playing as Norma so fast.
