Who will die in season 5?
I'm very curious to see everyone's predictions. Here is what I am more or less expecting:
Alex - within the first four episodes in a manner not directly caused by Norman. Car crash or suicide?
Caleb - shortly after Alex. Killed by mother.
Marion - killed by mother in the second half the season.
Emma - I could see her and Dylan in the Sam and Lila roles, but I could also see her dying of her disease and Dylan and Marion's lover (a woman) being in those roles.
Dylan - he'll be a hero in all this
New sheriff - Since she'll take over Alex's job I could see her becoming suspicious of how oddly Norman takes his stepdad's death
Marion's lover - I think it's a woman (the person who was advertised as being a "Norma doppelganger") and I think she could be in the Lila role