Just go abroad?

Hi all,

Interesting concept to the Purge , but after stepping back and thinking a bit harder, it just doesn't seem to work.

For example, the children went to school that day?
I mean, it's a pretty big, scary , eventful day in America right? I don't believe school would be open if it fell on a weekday.

Also, wouldn't it be easier if people just went abroad on Purge day? I would assume it is a lot more affordable than a fully protected house that Ethan Hawke had.

Film was ok- the boy was irritating I must admit.



The film is dumb, but I think this is one of those things that if that were the case then there'd be no movie. Like if cell phones worked flawlessly in every movie then there'd be no movie.


What? No way! That would just make too much sense! Who would have thought to leave the country for a day? lol


Ethan Hawke's character was for Purge day.
He saw it as his patriotic duty, as a proud American.


Well, leave your house and everything inside is up for grabs. So sure, you'd be safe abroad, but you could come back to nothing. Or you could stay and protect your stuff on purge night - houses would be less likely to be targeted if there are people inside who are both armed, prepared, and expecting you.

The most likely scenario is that neighbours would organise a sort of neighbourhood watch, create some sort of perimeter and prepare themselves for outsiders looking to cause trouble.


Exactly - you'll pretty much lose everything if you leave the country whilst The Purge is occurring.


What happens to home insurance rates in this Purge world? Are insurance companies now able to charge astronomical rates?


I'm pretty sure you'd have to pay extra to be insured for damages on purge night. But you'd be able to opt for an insurance that didn't have purge night coverage, I expect.


Indeed. I'm sure "Purge Night Exception" policies would be cheaper. Then you'd have to defend your home...or hire someone to defend it.
