MovieChat Forums > Ripper Street (2013) Discussion > Geez... Drake is being such a dick this ...

Geez... Drake is being such a dick this season.

I think it's is an inferiority complex. He knows that Reid was the better station commander and is still the better detective. Instead of trying to stomp Reid down to try and raise himself up, he should just be grateful to have Reid back and allow him the full use of his talents and abilities. Drake can delegate and still "be in charge".

I hope this gets sorted out soon.


"I Drank What?!" - Socrates


I agree. It's getting really annoying. Drake is acting like a little child. Reid has Always been the superior detective. He is the brains and Drake is the brawn. All Drake did was knock down doors and beat up suspects.


From Drake's perspective, Reid is not only wasting resources (ie, re-investigating a closed case), but undermining his authority, potentially disrupting his well oiled station. Not to mention the implications of Drake convicting an innocent man.

Unfortunately, this is a common management problem, specially when special talent/skill is involved. What's worse, as organization grow, their structure and authoritarian relationships become more important that actually doing their job. It's the feudal system at its worse (including the ego wars).

Drake is asserting himself over his underling, while having been under him in the past, and knowing he is not his intellectual/investigative equal. Even worse, Drake used to be Reid's muscle, and had to reassert himself out of that role. He seems to have flourished as a manager (held the station together in Reid's absence), out of Reid's shadow, but his reintroduction definitely brings conflict to the surface.

To a degree, it speaks to Drake's desire to contribute to the greater good: he is willing to try and manage this situation to gain Reid as a resource (something most managers would avoid, few would hire their talented former boss). But alas, his ego is too fragile and takes every slight to heart, only making the situation worse.


I'm 21 minutes into the second episode and put it on pause to vent this same frustration. LOL Man is he clenched hard onto his bit of [insert Eric Cartman imitation here] Authoritah! It's getting hard for me to remember that I once liked him.

Since I'm venting here, it's unbelievable that a character can make me hate her more -- Susan. Can't tolerate her. She should have hanged for real. And Rose has gotten on all my nerves.

And what is up between Jackson and Susan? Didn't she dump him before she became a mass murderer? I don't remember when they became so in love again. Please refresh.


Prepare to feel very sad after watching the sixth episode and prepare to hate Rose even more. She gets worse every epsiode, but in episode six she really crosses the line! She has to pay for what she has done!!


I think he was ready to go since it was his pride and ego that lost those additional lives. Plus losing Rose's love and respect and being a pawn. Why didn't he use his gun? They said they were going "hunting" before they left the police station; he had time to take one.

Regardless, Rose will pay. The guilt, mental anguish and loneliness will break her -- especially after she learns the truth about her old friend who used her and no longer has any interest in her. So what if she was right one thing when she was wrong about everything else. I can't imagine how she can believe Edmund was wrong for what he did considering everything that man put his family through.

And I really hope they show her remembering the other time she dumped Drake for a serial killer and how it was Reid and Drake who rescued her.

I just feel sorry for the little boy, I think Rose will mistreat him and I want Susan to die.


And what is up between Jackson and Susan? Didn't she dump him before she became a mass murderer? I don't remember when they became so in love again. Please refresh.

They were always in each other's orbit. Even though he tried to move on after her repeated rejections. However, she didn't pursue other relationships (being a captain of industry was too taxing already), and his heart wasn't in his new relationship. He went back to her again and again (remember when they conceived the child, talk about hate-sex with the ex).

Then he figured out she had shot Reid (through her fingerprints on the gun), but started covering for her because she told him she was pregnant with his child, and because he still loved her (in spite of her rejections). It was just a matter of time for them to reignite their relationship.


Thank you! I had forgotten about the fingerprint cover-up. I might have to watch that season again.


I think that's part of it, but the sum total of things Drake has had to deal with this season.

I don't blame him for thinking the worst of Reid, as Edmund wasn't completely open with him with about re-investigating the Ratosky murder. Let's face it, no one would take the re-opening of a case, official or not, that cast doubt on your investigation and conclusion. Plus no one wants to think they've sent an innocent man to die.

Drake also feels he owes Dove for his help.

Drake is clearly feeling guilty about saving a boy from the gallows but sending him off to war and whether that was a worse fate.

He's not happy about the whole situation with his custody of Jackson's boy and the struggle to get him settled and the impact this has on Rose.

Then he doesn't believe Rose about the non-death of Susan, with the impact that has on his marriage.

Things get sorted to a degree in episode 6, just not as you might like - the impact will be reverberating forever.
