overnight receving at an international chain of superstores,
hours pullling 3000 pd skids of produce of a truck manually,
never trained on the electrical gear even though promised
herniated lumbar disk in my spine, they didn't even have the consideration to ask me why i why limping,
Eventually had to use oxycontin just to work, had to work just to afford oxycontin,
so depressed from overnights,
got clean(well on methadone, which makes you cold, and sweat) assigned to work in the freezer department until i couldn't take the -30 temperatures, or the rheumatism in my hands,
dark chapter in my life,
couldn't take my break in the breakroom because i couldn't relate to the old lady immagrants, took back up smoking ciggarettes so i took my break at the smokers section
Frustrating being the smartest one in the building, doing grunt work, listening to miserable people bitch and complain all day
and there was no way we could work at the pace Daniel was taking things off shelves and moving them, or wed have a fire lit under our ass about not unpacking 85 boxs and hour,