my thoughts on that case are that the details are so different then Daniels that it isn't comparable
1)this is New York State versus Georgia,
2)the guy was born in England , and is not an American citizen
3)this guy actually did it, and wasn't coursed
4)racial component
5) federal deportation then county exile,
when you commit a crime in America but are a foreign citizen, they have either the choice to send them back to their country , or serve their sentence,
Plus the only real reason for him to agree to the banishment terms, and not have his lawyer fight it as unconstitutional, was because he thought leaving would help sort out the problems that were caused by the coffee cracking, and his almost innocent Tawney canoodling, a sort of avoidance and isolation that he self imposed because of all that had happened since he got out, and his PTSD clouding his judgement,
I am sure john could have fought it, aswell, if they had waited a few more days they would have found Georges body, and the whole case would have been blown wide open,
all though it was an interesting read i have no sympathy for people who kill their Ex's because its over, move on, find somebody new, but people be crazy