Balle Balle

Sometimes you can see a punchline coming a mile off and it's still funny. This episode was not one of those times.

First they reminded us just how terrific Sing Like a Larry Bird aka The Musical was, but then were unable to top that episode. I'm a gal who enjoys musical interludes in programs, but I was bored. Actually left to tidy up the kitchen. Housework instead of TV - unthinkable!

"...for singing is in my people as sight is in the eye."



so why the complaints?
After the first season I expected better from this show and find it disappointing and frustrating that it isn't living up to its potential.

"...for singing is in my people as sight is in the eye."


But were you twisting the lightbulb and petting the dog while you cleaned your kitchen?


But were you twisting the lightbulb and petting the dog while you cleaned your kitchen?
Gotta admit that was pretty cute. Despite my gripes, I keep tuning in expecting them to turn the corner. I don't really want to say that I'm done.

"...for singing is in my people as sight is in the eye."


I honestly don't get it. I thought that episode was hilarious.

Oh well, to each their own.

