Mexico Builds Wall First

Mexico Builds Wall First

Mexico has erected a full-length border wall to keep out the millions of Americans hoping to flee from a potential Trump Presidency.

The wall, which stretches the entire length of the Mexico-US border, was built by a team of Mexican labourers who until recently had formed the backbone of the American agricultural industry. They’ve since pre-empted a Trump victory and returned home, causing the US agricultural industry to collapse.

A Mexican spokesperson said the country could not accommodate such an influx of illegal immigration, particularly from a country full of people crazy enough to vote for a pseudo-fascist reality TV host.

Yesterday thousands of Americans were trapped on the Californian and Texan borders, desperately looking for gaps in the wall. One man said he planned to hire a Mexican immigrant to build him a large ladder to enable him to scale the wall. He then remembered there were no Mexican immigrants available. He will start work on the ladder himself next month.


Illegal immigrants steal the identities of Americans and use their Social Security number to find work which displaces American workers. Mexicans had President Fox saying to President Bush that they want American Union worker's jobs next.

The Open Borders policy of Hillary will allow Mexicans to take away American jobs from Americans.

There's no joke in being poor due to losing your job to a foreigner. Trump believes in Nationalism which protects American jobs.


Chazzjazz, the Marxist who posted the initial post, has 4 wives, 32 children, and doesnt need to work. Each memeber of his 36 people family gets 300-600 euros each per month to live on socialist welfare. He laughs at Americans who have to work for a living. He says the rich are p-ing on the workers in America.

Send a message to ChazzJazz that you wont vote for him to become Mayor.


Chazzjazz receives 14,600 euros per month for doing nothing but pumping in his garden. He feeds his family nothing more than peanut butter on crackers while he dines on Salmon, carrots and imported Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

When you go to the polls, send a message to him that you wont tolerate this behavior any more when you vote for Trump.


Mexici wants to build a wall on its Southern border.


Mexico is planning to build its own southern border wall to keep out Refugees from Central America


It will have to be erected but yeah it will cost Bookoo money and I don't know who's going to pay for that and they tried a fence back in 2010, my company Zachary went down there to try it but they shot at them too much and they brought them back to Dallas-Fort Worth.
