MovieChat Forums > Barbara (2012) Discussion > Spoiler. Medical matter

Spoiler. Medical matter

Why doctors wanted to surgure the guy? Because he had amnesia? After having a suicide attempt and he lost his feelings, they decided to surger him for amnesia?


They thought he had a blood clot in his brain.

I hope you don't mind my correcting your English: "surgery" is only a noun. The verb is "to operate".

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No mind, thank you


Agree, the grounds for surgery were pretty tenuous. A personality change. Not generally grounds for opening a skull.


Presumably they did not have the equipment to do modern tests (MRI or whatever) that they might do in a modern western hospital.



The following is OFF topic but relevant to your post, so ...

I hope you don't mind my correcting your English: "surgery" is only a noun. The verb is "to operate".

Me: I usually don't correct peoples English when I can figure out that English is not someone's mother / native tongue. I do correct native speakers of English who speak it poorly however. I guess I just figure it this way: People who don't speak English as their first or mother tongue are struggling to speak it at all and the last thing that they need is for anyone to come and correct them, when they can be understood. I don't want to give the appearance of being the language police for non native speakers who might feel intimidated coming here to post if they think that they'll always have their English corrected.

** There MUST be more than one way to skin this Cat! **


"Language police"? I was politely trying to help the person improve his/her vocabulary!

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I hope you don't mind my correcting your English but there is no verb for surgery. English speaking surgeons will sometimes in jest talk about "surgerizing" a patient. To operate is not the verb for surgery. Likewise operating an elevator is not the same as operating a forklift.

"He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator."


You are wrong. One of the meanings of the verb "to operate" is "perform surgery". Look it up if you don't believe me.

Don't give me songs
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You are looking at "to operate." Look at surgery and see where you can find "to operate." Go forward instead of backwards.

"He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator."


Why on earth would I want or need to do that? There is a verb in the English language to denote the act of performing a surgery and that verb is "to operate". That is all there is to it. Why are you arguing something so elementary?

Don't give me songs
Give me something to sing about

