Weak ratings

Thoughts on if this is going to be cancelled by first season?


I think they are just going to keep it at the 6 episodes they called it a television event so like a mini series. Those ratings weren't very good so I don't see them getting a second Season unfortunately.


It didn't get weak ratings.


@ spacemanspiff

It didn't get weak ratings.

It didn't get great ratings, either. It got OK ratings for a TNT premiere, but other shows have had similar premiere ratings and been cancelled.

I think TNT probably follows the model where they'll give Mob City two seasons. If the show a) gets critical acclaim or b) improves on its ratings with the second season, it'll be renewed for a third season.


There's a reason this is airing in December when most shows are on break and there is nothing but 50 year old Christmas specials on. In other words, TNT wasn't very high on this.


TNT not high on this? Explain then why they invested in such a great cast?


It's not like TNT went in wanting it fail. They probably had high hopes intentionally but sometimes it just doesn't work out. They probably watched the first episode and said " Oof not what we expected"


Pretty much this ^

I wanted to like this too, but after the first 2 episodes, I'm not as interested, but I'll watch since it is almost over.


Read a story about the low ratings being around and about the 2.5 million...ish...point.

Then they mentioned a few other TNT programs that had debuted with double those ratings--or higher.

Every one of the was some kind of repetitive to the extreme, off the shelf, "safe," copy cat supernatural or alien or [fill in the usual blank as they were all interchangeable] show.

This was "out there" for folks with DVR boxes set regularly to TNT.

Almost seems they just put it on the wrong network. This just is not their audience.
