Boardwalk Empire is not noir. They are not kindred. It doesn't make any sense to compare these two shows. Hate Mob City all you want, but on its own terms. This show is being fiercely misinterpreted by an audience that isn't truly familiar with its inspirations.
Cinema nerds. Only better than grammar nazis and people who criticize the improper use of "irony" in a sentence.
Film Noir is just a term that some nerdy French guys came up with. Why anyone would apply a narrow definition is beyond me. The guys who made most of the movies that are considered film noir didn't believe it to be a separate genre from mysteries/crime movies at the times the movies were made.
Yeah Mob City can be compared with Boardwalk Empire once they start focusing entire episodes about Jasmine fighting for some feminine cause, totally having a reverse of personality and turning Joe into the cops. Or they start killing off beloved characters because of both the ineptitude of the writers and the incredible miscasting of a brilliant yet wrong for the part actor, means they can't make the audience stay focused or even like the show's main character. So instead have to reboot the series because they wrote themselves into a corner. Or they add so many side characters that they might be able to squeeze about twenty minutes of story for them into an entire season.
Yeah Boardwalk Empire and Mob City are two very different animals. And I say thank goodness for that.
Boardwalk Empire is a're reaching with most of what you said but you're welcome to your own opinion I guess...the fact that you even say beloved characters goes to show that the show is great you're just upset that characters you liked got*t happens for the sake of good storytelling which is what those deaths were IMO...and don't talk about Buscemi being miscast as the lead when he has 10x more charisma and is a far more interesting character than Joe Teague lol
once again only my opinion but yeah...Boardwalk is great Mob City is okay and could be great depending on how long of a run they get and how much they improve on some of the obvious goofs and weaknesses of the show
Yeah, the "style" of noir came about because when people came back from WWII they didn't want to see MGM schmaltz fests anymore. They had seen too much, and it probably turned almost a whole generation into pessimists. It was a great era in film history, specifically because of how truly gritty the films got. They weren't imitating an idea of grit, they knew what it was, and replicated it. Some of the great late 30s gangster films were even too light for their return.