best show on tv

By a mile. Should win some awards


I don't know about it being best just yet, but I am certainly willing to give it a chance. I am definitely finding it worthwhile.


personally after watching the first batch of episodes that aired i actually won't bother to see the rest of it.

a much better gangster show on tv is... Boardwalk Empire. also, Boardwalk Empire is the best currently airing show on TV if you ask me now that Breaking Bad ended earlier this year.

p.s. it's a shame though given Frank Darabont is tied to this as when i look at the four movies he directed they are all top spec (i.e. 9/10 or 10/10) lacking The Majestic and even that is still a solid movie as i gave that a 7.5-8/10 (probably a 7.5). but this Mob City is a 6/10 AT BEST (i.e. Thumbs Down) as i am not going to bother watching the rest of the series and i consider myself a fan of mob movies to.

My Vote History ...


Boardwalk is hands down the best show on TV. Its even better than breaking bad. Mob city sucked. Horrible acting. Bad plot. The way it was put together felt real tacky


Wow m Slovak... three paragraphs. Um boardwalk empire is very boring and is one of those serial soap that never ends. Mob city is exactly what I want to see on television. Besides football


Mob city is exactly what I want to see on television. Besides football

We'll look at it this way. Boardwalk Empire is the NFL and Mob City is the XFL.


I live for Noir, so will give this a chance, even though as putative noir it's a bit over the top in your face--the designers and production experts are so enamored of their genre they just do TOO much of a muchness with it, IMHO.

Kept thinking throughout that if the "artistes" had not been put in charge and they'd just wanted to make a darn good noir story, they should have watched the film "LA Confidential" about 10 times more, in order to see how it's REALLY done when portraying LA in a noir setting.

LA Confidential was incredibly "real." This one just borders on cartoonish--it was that over the top. Ditch the CGi and the fakey artistic "shots" and just get to it on the old streets of LA. Then it might have resonated better---especially as we had to wait TWO HOURS for a critical reveal that pulls us into a character's true story.

That's a lot of waiting and waiting for a payoff while a lot of emotive gangstah stuff was playing out against all those ever so perfect brightly colored fakey looking places.

And it takes true talent to take actual places in LA from the art deco period and make them look FAKE!!!

Somebody should have wised up early on and just let Curtis Hanson's genius portrayal in "LA Confidential" be their guide.

That look would have been more "real." Hell, I grew up in LA right after this period and during the period of LA Confidential---so know what it looked like.

It was all just TOO MUCH---but then every part of the production staff were apparently allowed to just go crazy and do too much to massage their egos?


Great points. Darabont definitely got too wrapped up in style over substance. The reveal should've happened at the end of the 1st hour, not the 2nd. There's a lot of likable actors in this. Hopefully they get better material to work with going forward.


I thought this was supposed to look cartoon like dick Tracy. That's why I liked it. Its not supposed to be hyper realistic is it


This is what a lot of people are missing it's supposed to be over dramatic and stylized!


This is a good post, but it's generally not advisable to copy a great movie's style (otherwise you'd get dozens of posters saying "they just copied L.A. Confidential").

While some camp is intended, I don't think anyone involved with the show was intending it to ever look cheesy. Some of the issues you may have with it are probably related Production Design usually shot on film being shot on HD video. They are trying really really hard to make it look like film, from what I can tell, but it just won't ever look that much like film, uncovering some stuff that normally wouldn't be uncovered on film.

For me, the gold standard in look for the show was probably episode 3 (really enjoyed it visually on a second look), and the scenes on the roof in episode 4 where they were planting the bug (and really all daytime exterior shots).


When there is this much divergence in opinions, I tend to dismiss the positive arm as sock puppetry.


That's a really good point about it being a bit like "Dick Tracy." The over the top visuals were certainly not by accident on the part of the director and producers.

I like that style, as well. But for my noir, to be really and truly noirish...I tend to gravitate toward the dirty looking serious noir thing. Makes the gutter tendencies of the characters more believable for me if the settings coincide with the actions--down and dirty.

But the contrast can be interesting too--people behaving badly and with ugly intent in a beatified environment....


I'm surprised you like


Yeah, some irony intended with the production values.

The scripts, however, are insulting.


Nope. Not at all. One of the biggest disappointments in a while. Been hyped up for this for ages. Watched the first 2. Gave up. Boring cliched cack.
But I guess this is for the people who find Boardwalk Empire too boring, and not THE BEST FRICKIN SHOW ON TV BY MILES.

"I put gum in my ass cos I like to pop sh*t"


Maybe you should watch episode 3&4 before making an assessment that it's boring cliched cack. I could see that argument in the first hour, but really not after the oil field scene where the show changed pretty dramatically. A big problem that most of the people who dislike the show is that it's too slow, and you're saying that this show is for people who find Boardwalk boring? Wow...I'm confused.


first too were slow. But other episodes were good.


See the first two episodes were the best in my opinion. I am kinda over this show now as it went AWAY from what was presented in the pilot. I thought we had some real art on our hands here, but the final four episodes were just typical cable tv.


watched all 6 and it was okay. gangster stuff's usually my favorite.
The walking dead however is, easily, the best show on t.v.!!!!!!!!

Jim Carroll: Time sure flies when you're young and jerking off.


To each their own of course, but in my view that's an extreme exaggeration. Boardwalk Empire is better. Justified is better. I love a good gangster story, and I think this is worth watching. 40's L.A. is especially compelling to me for some reason. But this show is at best a little above average. More than anything, it makes me want to watch L.A. Confidential for the umpteenth time.


there is no such thing as "best show".
In my opinion, my own opinion, as in not an attack on your taste I would say that my current favourites are (only the one n air now.
1. Boardwalk Empire
2. Hannibal
3. Lilyhammer
4. Tomorrow people
5. Suits
6. Newsroom
7. Walking dead
8. Mob city
9. Bates Motel
10. American Horror Story

but with the ones currently not on air or finished the list would be topped by

1. Sopranos
2. Breaking Bad
3. The Wire
4. Shield

"...but they hung him anyway."
"Hanged, Ami. Your father was not a tapestry."
