Kevin Smith

Get rid of this stupid jerk and I might watch this show. He is an overblown balloon. I've never forgiven him for inflicting "Clerks" on us. Not to mention his total ruin of the commentary on the director's cut DVD of "Donnie Darko".

If you were observing this nutty planet, would YOU want to make contact?


Hey man, just a few follow up points to your eloquently written post...

One - Without Kevin Smith "inflicting" Clerks on you, this show wouldn't even exist for you to watch.

Two - The Directors Cut of Donnie Darko is an atrocious mess, and was ruined long before Smith got near the mic. The original cut is infinitely better.

Peace out.

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


I do not watch this show because of Smith. I have to endure the AMC promos for it during 'The Walking Dead". Smith has no more talent than I do. He just got lucky. "Clerks" and "Jay And Silent Bob" are useless crap.

If you were observing this nutty planet, would YOU want to make contact?


Riiiight. It's complete "luck" that a Hollywood producer thought Clerks was hilarious, as did the audience at Cannes that year, and gave the man a career. You nailed it, my friend. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it holds no value to anyone else.



Clerks is kind of what made him famous. So if you didn't like that movie, why did you bother following anything else he did? Everything he does is a variation on that theme.
