MovieChat Forums > Comic Book Men (2012) Discussion > They need to stop the staged stuff

They need to stop the staged stuff

The things they do outside the store (and sometimes in the store) are obviously fake and they're extremely annoying.


IT's called "reality" tv. It's all staged.


Not all reality shows are like that.

Take Big Brother for instance. The show is on 3 nights a week, and also has (almost) 24/7 live feeds. We see nearly everything before our eyes live with that show, there's no time to really fake anything. There is no potential there to stage anything. Things are edited out for the final product but as a viewer of the live feeds it's always quite faithful the the actual events seen on the live feeds. They can't play the show 24/7 on tv obviously but they do pick the bits that are most representative of what's been happening in the house in general.

The non-endurance comps they do cut off for live feeds, as well as anytime someone sings to avoid copyright fines, which is annoying but there is a reason for it and they always tell them to stop singing as soon as they hear it. The comps are the only thing that could possibly be tampered with, but judging from some of the winners/losers I doubt anything was done intentionally. Sometimes the most interesting/entertaining/popular people end up losing, which would only decrease ratings. And there were times they went back and looked at footage, and had to crown someone else the competition winner, if it was rigged I don't think that would happen. But either way we absolutely know the actual interactions between the houseguests are 100% genuine.

Shows like this, are more apt to be staged. They aren't competitions and they don't have any specific guidelines they have to follow to my knowledge. If winnings are involved though, they could get a lawsuit on their hands if things are rigged or anything like that. At most they can use editing tricks, but I wouldn't call them staged.


You think that the cast of Big Brother really lives in a house together on a sound stage and play games for prizes in real life? Everything on Big Brother is staged. They literally live on a stage. I do see what you mean. Game shows have to comply with laws so that all of the contestants have the same chance to win the prize.

I am getting sick of the complaints that the show is staged. How much fun do you think it would be to watch Mike and Walt bag and board comics for a half hour? Let them entertain you.


Have you ever actually watched Big Brother? Yeah, from the outside the house is most likely like a sound stange, but on the inside it is just like a house and they do live and sleep there.

It has live feeds. It cannot be staged. It doesn't sound like you are very familiar with the show. Rather it's technically a sound stage or not is not even relevant. They do live, eat and sleep every moment during that summer there and all the human interactions are completely genuine. Only thing we don't see on live feeds is the diary room, and like I said before the comps but even occasionally we see those. Unless you are talking about the international Big Brothers which I've never really watched I don't know what you're talking about.

It would be impossible to stage a television show which is played nearly 24/7. There is no time to do anything. You could see the televised episodes could be edited in a way to make certain people look better..but if you watch the feeds you know everything that happens live in real time..


Have you ever actually watched Big Brother? Yeah, from the outside the house is most likely like a sound stange, but on the inside it is just like a house and they do live and sleep there the entire run of the season.

It has live feeds. It cannot be staged. It doesn't sound like you are very familiar with the show. Rather it's technically a sound stage or not is not even relevant. They do live, eat and sleep every moment during that summer there and all the human interactions are completely genuine. Only thing we don't see on live feeds is the diary room, and like I said before the comps but even occasionally we see those. Unless you are talking about the international Big Brothers which I've never really watched I don't know what you're talking about.

It would be impossible to stage a television show which is played nearly 24/7. There is no time to do anything. You could say the televised episodes could be edited in a way to make certain people look better but I wouldn't even say that. It's edited quite well considering they have to condense an entire week 24/7 into a 40 something minute episode. But if you watch the feeds you know everything that happens live in real time..


Yes, I have watched Big Brother. What you don't see when they cut down 24 hours of footage multipled by every camera in the house to get one hour of the most entertaining footage per episode is:

- when the art department comes in and sets up the props to make it look pretty,

- when the challenge producers test and set up the challenges,

- when the producers sit on the other side of the cameras and ask the cast pointed questions to get them to express their feelings in the confessionals,

- when the producers convince the cast to whisper their strategies to each other before they do it.

If you think Big Brother is real, then you really don't know how TV works. Yes, the people sleep and eat in that space, but even if you watch Big Brother after dark, you are missing about 15 different camera angles that the director doesn't want you to see at any given moment.


When I'm talking about staged, I mean scripted and things of that nature. I mean the outcome and human drama aren't "staged." What we are seeing on those feeds is real and what they are choosing to say. It's spontaneous. I know they have to stop the feed for competitions and things and they go to the fish tank when someone doesn't something that could lead them to legal issues, like singing copyrighted songs or whatever. But that's just because they have to to avoid fines. If something truly was faked, staged or whatever you want to call it, it woulnd't be a wise idea to have feeds at all that are up most of the time. Expecting to actually show them building the comp sets and things like that is a bit much. Just because I don't see it doesn't mean I don't know it's happeneing.

And of course they ask them questions in the "diary room", all reality shows do this. I didn't think they literally just sat there and blabbed about whatever they wanted. They want them to talk about their experiences in the competitions and have a time when they are allowed to say what they want about people without risk of it affecting their game play and hopefully get some funny responses. But, they are the real things they chose to say, even if the questions are sort of looking for a certain type of answer.

What you're kind of getting at is sort of the obvious. Just because they ask them questions, so they can get diary room repsonses doesn't mean it's "fake." It's the real responses they are giving. All reality shows do this and I never considered it fake for the producers to get some insight from the players.

There have been rumors of comps being staged and stuff like that but I don't believe it because more often or not the people the public really likes or the people who the public really hates that are causing drama don't make it as long as they would probably like. Some of the most interesting peope go soon. If they are rigging these things, they are doing it for the wrong people.

Is there any evidence of the producers telling them to whisper eachother's stratedgies other than just a gut feeling? That's the only one you mentioned that really fits the critieria of what I'm even talking about. They want their partners in the game to trust them, and want to convince them to vote for who they want them to. It seems like an obvious thing people would do on a show like this or any other reality competition show involving voting each other off.

If you take the word staging as literal, I'm glad it's staged. But generally when people use the word "staged" in this context they really mean "faked." A literally non staged production would just be terrible.

I know it's naive to assume all reality shows, or even most of them are completely legitimate. But to go an extreme 360 and assume it's all fake too is pretty naive as well and things that just go into it from a production stand point that they pretty much have to do to make a tv show aren't what I consider fake in this context.


Its gotten to the point where it is so obvious now.

That episode with Adam West, when they are debating if the Batmobile or the Black Beauty would win in a drag race and he JUST HAPPENS to walk in and then Ming says he knows someone with replica cars? COME ON, MAN!

The comic book truck thing? COME ON!


Shows like this aren't even trying to make it not obvious. Same with Pawn Stars, that other pawn show show, etc.


I hate to break this to you, but Big Brother has writers. It's just as staged as CBM.



They have editors, and craft a story based on what actually happens in the house. They have 24/7 live feeds. What you're saying is quite literally impossible. There is no chance to write the interactions between the players, and since they are virtually always on camera when do they get the script? In the diary room? So they all remember very specific lines and they are just all in on it? How do they know what to say in repsonse to other people when they are never in the diary room at the same time?

Julie Chen, the host has writers. Well, yeah. The competitions require writers. The interactions between people are genuine, and they may very well rig comps for all I know.

In terms of the things the actual players say though the Diary Room sessions is the only possible part where it could be written as that's not shown on live feeds, and that's not important to the outcome of the game anyways.

If the whole thing was written why would they need to cut the fish tank when someone sings or talks about someone who didn't sign a waiver? Why would they write something that could land CBS a hefty fine?

It sounds like you may have just looked up Big Brother on IMDB and saw some writer's listed (obviously there are writers for competitions and Julie Chen's teleprompter lines) without having even seen the show or the live feeds, which would just be impossible to do with scripted television.


I used to personally assist for the unscripted department at Evolution. We hired writers on a regular basis to create scenarios and suggest dialogue. Hell I used to go out to bars with Jon DelMol and Robert Caplain. This is personal experience, I sat in on meetings where they bandied about different ideas for each season.

Check the credits on this site. Big Brother's conflicts, each and every season, were predetermined.
