
haha why would Nichelle Nichols need a "carded" Uhura figure? still was a very entertaining show. even funnier was Walt pretending to not recognize her when she walked in.

This'll hurt him more than me!


It's hard to imagine celebrities buying vintage action figures of themselves. A lot of actors boast that they never watch their own movies, let alone buy merchandise based on their likeness.


Yeah, I would have thought they would want the actors to endorse the toys. I'm guessing the companies sent them these toys but they gave it or sold it someone a long time ago. This type of thing has happened a few times on Toy Hunter, so I'm guessing it will keep happening.



I can't believe she was so full of herself that she was getting impatient that she had to wait for an item that the staff was going crazy looking for to satisfy her, but then she seemed a bit pissy that he was expected to pay. She figured they would just GIVE it to her. And they caved. Rewarding bad behavior in my opinion.

She was a 3rd tier character who hasn't been part of the franchise for over 20 years. I cant think of a single god damn thing shes done outside of Trek except the Shatner Roast, but even that appearance was largely Trek related. And she expects to just walk in and get a free $175 item just because?

When there is no more room online, the nerds will walk the Earth


You do realize that was all staged right?


"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities. Quickly, please, before they are out of range." - Vaarsuvius


I wondered if it was staged because it made her look so petty and self-important. Why would she agree to that kind of portrayal?


Maybe it was fun for her to act with funny people? She kissed Bryan, so she's obviously dedicated.



He has a point. You don't


Walt doesn't seem to know much of anything about Star Trek, so he may not have recognized her 45 years after she was on a show he didn't watch.


just listened to the secret stash podcast and according to the guys Walt indeed does not know Nichelle and is not a Star Trek fan. they say he wouldn't give a crap even if he did. anyway they also state that they are never told when these celebs show up at the stash. so are these segments scripted or not?

This'll hurt him more than me!


It can't be scripted without a script. The guys obviously crack jokes as they come to mind. They don't have scripted podcasts, so why would it have a script for them to memorize and secret writers?


Scripted is a bad choice of words. But a big chunk of the show is definitely staged. Most of the reactions are fake. Just like all reality shows.
You really can't expect a camera crew is going to just stand around and wait for something to happen. That's just ridiculous thinking.


Ok staged is what I meant. they discuss these segments on the podcast as if they really happened as played out. My guess is Nichols happens to be in the area and they decided to use her?


I believe the moments are genuine, I saw something about the behind the scenes of survivor, that some of the reactions when a contestant finds an immunity idol are staged. Meaning that the contestant actually found the idol legitimately but the camera missed it, so they place it back in the hiding spot and have the player pretend he found it again just for the camera purpose. So I would assume alot of these "scripted" moments are like that, re-creations of stuff that the camera missed.


Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.


Hey guys just thought i'd help out, I work as an assistant on a British reality show called Geordie shore (Cringe, Not proud, not a fan but it pays the bills) i can assure you the majority of reality shows are stage in a way and i am not sure how it works on CBM which i am a huge fan of. but basically everyone behind the scenes know about special guests; who they are, when they are coming and what not, but we try our best to keep it away from the "cast" sometime secrets are leaked and we tell the cast to go with it. I do believe the case for CBM is the same some of the reations to guest seem genuine and when Uhura turns up to the store. I think walt's reaction to her is genuine because he has admitted to knowing next to jack *beep* about star trek. When she arrives take a look at mike in the back ground, he does his classic double take when he sees her so i think maybe he knew about this one.

Something I do know about the show was George Perez' appearance was as it played, Mike did not have a clue about him showing up with Wonder man piece, George mentioned this at a panel i went to see.

Hope this helps guys as I say i do not know who this and others went down just thought it might be similar to other shows.


I work as an assistant on a British reality show called Geordie shore

You have my deepest sympathies. I had the unfortunate luck of being in one of the clubs you were filming in and I would hate to have to work with those people full time.

"Hello? I just shot somebody, I did it on purpose!"


Really sorry if any of them ruined your night or any of the crew for that matter, i usually love my job but doing this is just eye gougingly painful but it pays the most until something better comes a long.


I think it was planned cause why else would there already be a camera in George Perez's studio when they entered it?


Yes easy to tell the set up was planned no question about that but the part where he was face to face with mike was a surprise to him only the rest of the guys and the crew knew that was going to happen, mike didn't have a clue.
