Worthy Sequel- In Spite of it Under-performing the Original...
I just saw this sequel to the 2011 hit comedy over the weekend, and like it's predecessor, it's a winner! Jason Bateman/Sudeikas and Charlie Day return this time around, attempting to start up their own company, but are swindled by a billionaire (Oscar winner Christoph Waltz), and in order to get back what was rightfully theirs they decide to kidnap his son - Captn Kirk himself, Chris Pine!
Another Oscar winner, Jamie Foxx, returns as *beep* Jones" (LOL) to give advice, and delicious Jennifer Aniston is back- hornier than ever! (gahahahhaaaaa) And yet a third Oscar winner- Kevin Spacey- another of the bosses from the first movie- returns, this time in prison! What can I say- Loved this movie!- laughed all along the way.
I'm just wondering why it didn't do nearly as well as the first movie-?? I guess the premise of the original was kinda like an all-male version of "9 to 5"-??- and so maybe going at it a second time around, may have seemed a little stale for audiences-?? But no matter- I definitely would give this a high recommend if you haven't seen it already...
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