Chris Pine..

Wow he is amazing in this! Brilliant performance. Seriously, this guy must do more comedies.


That's what people are saying
he plays a great nut job (case) a good villain to his a character actor and hopefully will get more of those type of role in the future.

I'm not clumsy it's just the floor hates me, the table and chairs are bullies and the walls get in



The kidnapping scene when he is discovered in the trunk makes me laugh everytime I see it! I agree he's really funny in the show but the part where he is crying because daddy does call the police is a little over dramatic


I think that was the whole point his surposed to be bipolar going from being emotional to valiant. Which you see the changes in his behavior though out its kinda like the boys were walking on egg shells with him. Not sure what he would do if they didn't do what he wanted.

I used to have a manager who was abit bipolar one minute she would have ago at you for no reason the next she would be nice.

I'm not clumsy it's just the floor hates me, the table and chairs are bullies and the walls get in



check him out in Stretch. He plays a similar character, but even more over the top. For some reason, he's not credited, but he's like the 2nd main character in the film.


Thanks for the recommondation! I've been looking for a reason to watch Stretch (aside from the other actors involved). I had no idea Pine was involved but I'll def check it out now.


They could've really changed Julia's character and made her into a better person but they just turned her into a bigger slut, which was cool but it would have been nice seeing Nick happy in a relationship as he is the mature one.


Good point! I never thought of it from being Bi polar. That definitely makes it funny to me now and makes more sense.


You know what would have made this EVEN FUNNIER? He suggested cutting off a toe and mailing it to his father. I think him cutting off his OWN TOE and mailing it to his father would have REALLY been neat, it would have showed just how determined to screw over his own father he was, then the "rejection" when the father refuses to pay the ransom without calling the cops would be especially painful as cutting off the toe would really show the kidnappers meant business (since his father did not know it was him planning everything).

Also, this series has been compared to Hangover as both stories have a group of screwed up men making really bad and comedic decisions. Jason Bateman in this is the counterpart to Bradley Cooper in that they are the only ones with some common sense and brains.

Well in Hangover 2 a character though not a main character got a finger cut off if I remember correctly.


Cutting off a toe would have made him even more nuts.

I'm not clumsy it's just the floor hates me, the table and chairs are bullies and the walls get in


have you seen Smokin' Aces? He's great, but unrecognizable.


Yes i have he was brilliant in that to

You have a responsibility…to mine the diamonds we make into fairy dust." 


After watching this and "stretch" the other day I've really become a fan of Chris pine playing a villian. He really does seem to have a side that he loves bringing out in these kind of roles.
