Charlie day almost ruined this movie singlehandidly
which makes no sense... because in the first his character was silly but believable. I hate Charlie day but really liked him in Horrible bosses 1.. in this he was a borderline retard..
in this he has the intelligence of a child that does things so unbelievably stupid the audience cant do anything but laugh in disgust...
in comedy there is good cringeworthy and bad...
good cringworthy is when it is silly but believable
bad cringeworthy, like 90% of this film, is when no one can possibly believe the actors could be so dumb to do such an action and you do not laugh beause its just embarrassing... the thing is charlies character in #1 was not this dumb.. naïve yes..... but a yelling screaming complete retard. no... and I feel bad for saying retard.. but there is no word in the English language I can think of that explains Days characters stupidity...
it was pretty much always sunny in philidephia the movie...
stupid people doing the stuppidest thing they can, then all yelling and speaking over eachother all at once.
its a shame because PINE WAS AMAZINGGG> and some skits in this (the sex addiction meeting) were actually hilarious
but Days nonstop yelling was grating on the nerves. his 6 year old intelligence level not only contradicted the first film but was annoying