Cursing God

I'm Italian and I watch many American movies with subtitles.
So, I noticed that quite often they use expressions like "my f- God", "Jesus f- Christ" and so on - in this movie, "my f- God" is used during the golf scene, when they discover they have been cheated; another example ("f- Jesus") is in "The 25th hour", when Edward Norton is speaking at the mirror.

Here in Italy, cursing God is still considered extremely rude and even subject to a fine if a public officer hears you. Perhaps, it is comparable to a crime.
I'm everything but Jesus' friend, but respectful of other people's faith, so I don't curse in public, and I'm just curious to know if in the USA such expressions are in common use.

I'm Winston Wolf. I solve problems.

...And no dream is ever... just a dream...


Yes its common here in the US because people here think they are too smart to believe in a God. Which is hilarious to me considering how people think mainstream radio is good music....


Agreed. It is disrespectful and there's no excuse to script it. I heard "F-ing Jesus" used in 'Wet, Hot, American Summer (2001)' and rewound the scene like three times to make sure I heard what I shockingly thought I heard. Such is the direction of the entertainment industry to do their part in preparing for the arrival of the Antichrist.




It's just words, I'm sure your god has bigger things to worry about.


I think it is ok to respect the make belief consturcts of some people. But refraining from cursing a made up entity in order to save the hurt feelings of some people is just not my cup of tea. If they feel offended, just don´t listen. My freedom of speech allows my to attack every work of fiction as I like. Including (the in my opinion ridiculous notion of a) god.

...but they hung him anyway.
Hanged, Ami. Your father was not a tapestry.


well the imaginative picture of god is manmade. so you obviously can make fun on that. what is more surprising for me about america is that you can joke about anything but not about blacks .......they are untouchables and unjokeables ;)))))))))) and that is just STUPID .......
