MovieChat Forums > Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 (2013) Discussion > Why did the Joker dressed up Selina as W...

Why did the Joker dressed up Selina as Wonder Woman?!!

You know, after leaving her tied up (and in my opinion, beat up and even possibly raped).

I mean, at this point in time (1986), what significance would it have for Batman? It's not like he was dating WW at that point in the comics was he (I could be mistaken)?

So what was the point? Did he get confused and thought she was WW instead of Catwoman?


Maybe because she left earth.. A good and loyal friend of Batman that was forced to leave


OK, sounds reasonable.

Yet again, WHO could "force" her to do, anything? No one except Superman could fight her, so if she was run off, who did the dirty deed indeed? No wonder Batman despises Superman here...


Superman and the other heroes made a deal with the Gov't to cease and desist. Wonder Woman left willingly but Green Arrow defied them and Superman defeated him and put him in jail. That's why Oliver is intent on helping Batman fight Superman.

Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame.


Dude, Joker ALWAYS follows some twisted logic.

I mean, had WW been Batman's love interest or something like that, I would understand.

But if he ever came close to loving somebody, it was her (we are never given any indication he was close to anybody else). So dressing her up in her old Cat Woman outfit would have made more sense to me.

But you're right, it was still worth a look.


And where did Joker get the Wonder Woman costume anyway? No way Selina just has a suit tike that in her apartment.


Carrie Kelly purchased a classic Robin costume. Its not like they can't order costumes in this animated universe. In fact, costumes would be in a bigger demand in a world full of superheroes.


She wasn't in her apartment,she was in what looked like the brothel part of Kyle Escorts-a series of curtained rooms with beds in each. One can imagine, that they might have had various costumes on hand to help fulfill customers fantasies, one of which might be a Wonder Woman outfit.


Batman DID have a "thing" for Wonder Woman. Can be seen in the Justice League Unlimited cartoon series on Netflix. Season two. There is an episode where Wonder Woman in turned into a piglet and Batman has to do something, in particular, to get her back. I LOVE THAT EPISODE. (I won't spoil it. You'll have to watch. And it's worth watching.)

So the Joker being Batman's nemesis, would over time find this out and make it a part of his psychological tapestry with Batman. It was a small, simple, "mess with him" act. If it meant anything further it's beyond me.

Maybe Joker did something to Wonder Woman? I don't know. But there is ALWAYS a reason he does things like this. He's pathological.

