Was Daniel a bad guy?

I honestly don't think that Daniel did anything wrong. This movie treats him as a bad guy but he did try to get help for Blake and was run over in a stampede. The whole building was collapsing around him. And shoving the other guy out of the way in the street - hey it's a zero-sum, you-or-me, every-man-for-himself kind of situation. You've gotta do what you've gotta do. I don't think that he deserved to be killed. And I was much more annoyed by the mother's extremely self-righteous, full-of-herself little "YOU LEFT MY DAUGHTER? I"M GOING TO KILL YOU" performance. It's all about them and their precious daughter, everyone else be damned.


Yes he is. He 'tried to get help' until a SHOE somehow changed everything... He didn't try very hard. In the real world, beach workers can form a human shield to protect tourists, so I think we should expect a movie character not to ditch his potential step-daughter!

I wouldn't say he deserved his fate - but he isn't blameless, either!

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"
