Were Daniel and his sister (Kylie Minogue)...
...doing it? Clearly they were evil, so were they? Is that part of the subtext?
Furthermore, was Daniel's building (and possibly others) DESIGNED as a death-trap to drown people during a flood, since clearly this worked so well? Was that their plan all along?
Furthermore, were they vampires? Or the lead siblings of some other kind of House of Evil, like Witches or Warlocks? Clearly they were, since Kylie could do magic/teleport after she leaves through the door leading into thin air, but what kind?
What was their origin story, since it must've been of more epic scope than the incidents featured in this film, and possibly spanned centuries, and furthermore, what was their real plan before the quake happened?
Furthermore, did god send the quake to foil them, and if not, WHO DID?
I need to know all this, so what was REALLY going on with them?
[truth]I am bisexual. If you dont like that: you can blow me. If you do: same deal.[/truth]