A pile of crap

I am glad i didnt donate one dime to this crapfest and DLed it from TPB just for the hell of it. It started out as a funny bad movie like The Room with just horrible acting and WTF dialoge, James has no acting skills whatsoever, but half way through i just tuned out, it got so confusing and stupid that it turned out to be almost impossible to finish out of pure boredom. I thought it would be bad, but this was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than i expected.

I can just imagine audience giving james a few laughs not to shatter his selfconfidence at the screenings he attended........ haha what a turkey.


"James has no acting skills whatsoever"

I think that's a bit harsh. Sure, he can be a ridiculously bad actor that has trouble 'becoming the reaction', as we can see from the "a bull just shát through my window!"-scene in one of the older episodes. That's a really not a credible way to react at all.

People don't verbalize what they see happening, unless they can't believe it and are asking someone else, whether they are seeing the same thing, or whether that just happened. Like, if someone is suddenly banging on my door, I won't go "OMG, someone is banging on my door!", especially, when there's no one there..

I'd rather wonder: "What the heck?", go to the door and investigate.

So yeah, it's safe to say that although he has a lot of talent in a lot of areas, and is a very clear and pleasant speaker, when it comes to explanations and game reviews, and has even some sort of nerdy charisma to him at times, he doesn't seem to have a lot of acting skills.

But to say that he has none, is a bit harsh - I think he has been able to feign anger believably in the past, and some of his acting scenes were good, like the 'nerd-clones' scene, for example. So he has -some- acting skills, just not enough to carry a full-length movie (which is probably why he didn't - there wasn't much James onscreen in the movie, in comparison to all the other crap that was going on).

I like him best, when he's explaining a history of something, he usually remembers to mention important details, like that the Miracle piano system was available for the Commodore Amiga computers as well as the Nintendou (actually, this IS the more correct way to spell it, phonetically speaking - it's just too bad that the japanese don't understand the concept of phonetics, and the americans have a twisted concept of it - because of the messed-up english pronunciation, they'd pronounce 'Nintendo' correctly anyway. But this doesn't apply to all languages. So if you want to write the name correctly in katakana/hiragana/kanji, you'd use either the "ou", or "o-", or "ō", "oo", "ô" or some other way to indicate a longer or double-wovel), or when he's talking about a whole system, like the Atari 5200.

I think the Atari 5200 episode is still his best - if only he could have actually -played- some games, it'd be perfect. It was like a long tease without a reward.. but in that episode, even the skits actually served the review, and were funny. It wasn't James in a costume, punching his friend in a costume - it was the AVGN trying to get the system working and properly plugged-in.

I never cared for the cursing, cussing or the 'angry' part, that doesn't add anything to it in my opinion - it's sometimes slightly funny to see him express a gamer's frustration, but it's the review bit that makes it all so entertaining. And of course the game (system) does half the work, and brings half the magic.

I always wished he could also review good games, and he did some specials, like that, when he talked about Castlevania or Zelda, and some of those odd episodes, like the reminiscing the Mortal Kombat craze and all that. But perhaps he could just be a 'Geek in the basement', simply focusing on games, reviewing good games and bad - or if he insists reviewing only bad games, at least he could always use a 'counter-game' to compare the bad game to, how things could have done right.

Like how he mentions Contra / Gryzor every second episode (it doesn't have to be Contra / Gryzor, there are lots of other games that have done the directional shooting properly, like the Amiga's glorious Turrican series (I+II mostly, the third one sucks)).

Btw, I don't think he was fair in the Winter Games review; the NES-version may very well suck, but those exact controls work perfectly with the joystick and the C64-version, and make it an actually great game - the C64-version, that is. And you have to press down, when you land in the figure skating bit, or you will fall. Even a child knew that during the eighties, and our gameplay expert couldn't figure it out? 'Twas frustrating to watch.

As another sidenote; I am a bit surprised to see so many people having a similar viewpoint to the movie to what I have expressed already. Someone even wrote a pretty interesting outline for an AVGN-movie that would have been much better than what we saw (though it had some small unnecessary oddities, like an 'injected romance' part - there's absolutely NO NEED to involve romance or women with AVGN character - just make it about GAMES, CONSOLES, COMPUTERS (and even game corporations, if necessary - LJN visit would be a great core point of any AVGN plot) and it'll be all good).

Maybe the fans and other people are finally waking up from the illusions and the AVGN-trance; perhaps they are seeing that the emperor is, if not completely naked, at least wearing very skimpy clothes instead of royal ones, and is walking towards the wrong direction (no pun intended).

I think AVGN-character can still be saved, and let's face it, if James really discards all the extra crap, and really focuses on making good AVGN episodes, there's probably not an oldskool game enthusiast in the world that wouldn't come back to watch those episodes and praise James for making them.

If he focuses on 'interesting games' instead of 'bad games', that could bring new life to the character - sometimes those games will be good, sometimes bad, sometimes neither, but they would always make entertaining videos to watch.

And that's what it's all about, isn't it?


James has no acting skills whatsoever

He does, and in his AVGN game reviews he proves it but here it's just a huge waste of time, money and effort that everyone involved poured into it.


It wasn't a waste. James got to live his dream, make a real movie and release it to sold out theaters. Just because you didn't like the movie in your opinion doesn't mean it was a waste to everyone else.


Sure it's my opinion, but is he really happy with the end result of it? We'll never know for sure but to give it good rep he'll say that it was wonderful working towards this project.

I don't doubt that he enjoyed it but the script, swearing and acting was all too forced.


I think several reasons can be contributed to that. One is Kevin Finn co writing it who has no body of work to prove he was even capable of writing for this character and the other is the huge endeavour of going to LA to shoot on location with a limited schedule and James not only directing the film but having to act in it as well. Was it a bit too ambitious? There's no doubt, even James has said so. Maybe because of that he wasn't able to focus as much on his acting as the nerd as he can when doing his web videos.

This is a project James has wanted to do all his life. Of course he won't be completely satisfied, no filmmaker ever is especially when you have to take liberties because of time constraints and any other unexpected happening. James even said it was maybe a little too ambitious but this is what he always wanted to do and so come hell or high water the movie would get made. I think for him a lot of the satisfaction from it would have come from screening it for live audiences in sold out theaters and hearing their reactions to everything. I think that for him is his biggest achievement here. He went from doing small no budget movies as a kid to a big budget Indy film that he got to show in theaters. So it certainly wasn't a waste making the film. This was always his dream.


It wasn't a waste. James got to live his dream, make a real movie

If that was a real movie.... holy hell. 0/10


(No acting skills whatsoever)
"He does, and in his AVGN game reviews he proves it"

He does have no acting skills whatsoever? (That's what your sentence would seem to be saying, technically speaking)

But I take it that you mean that he actually does have acting skills whatsoever.

It's true that he has acting skills. It's also true that he has holes, gaps or severe limitations to those skills, however. Maybe it's the case of having the skills but not always being able to fully access them, or maybe it's the case of having some skills just fine, but then hitting a limitation, I don't know.

I just know that in some AVGN episodes, the viewer is convinced, and in some episodes, the viewer cringes and almost face-palms at his unconvincing performance.

In the movie -- .. hmm. I actually can't really remember, and I am _NOT_ going to check. I'd rather watch the bugs bunny fight, the batman and joker fight, and the incest-mike (isn't that what his nickname means?) giggling as the lion in the Alice episode for two hours than touch that movie again.

The sad thing is, that he does have A LOT of certain skills, but he seems to have chosen to not utilize those as much as the skills he has less of, if that makes some sense. So, instead of focusing on game reviewing and bringing us fun AVGN episodes (he definitely has that skill, and no one can deny that with wisdom), he decided to focus on directing, acting in, producing (?) and editing a full-length movie.

Perhaps his skills and interests don't overlap completely. He is pretty awful, when he makes long storyline skits (I haven't seen his other 'movies' or whatever they should be called, because I only care about the computer and video game side of the whole thing, so mainly, AVGN episodes interest me - though BS-man was good for awhile, before it got bad), but he shines like a supernova of excellence, when he makes the video game (and game system) segments.

He loves horror, B-movies, monsters, and all that crap (I can't understand this, but it's his choice, so I have no say in it, naturally), so that's his interest. He has interest here, but no skills to make it good (imho).

He has made _great_ video game-themed videos, and shown his talents and skills there. He has skills here, but not that much interest to make them (it seems).

If he simply made honest old video game system reviews (without the AVGN character), in the vein of the Atari 5200 review (but hopefully showing playing the games), I would have zero complaints, and I would trust that every episode would be marvellous.

And I would probably be right.


The Room is miles better than this.


Not sure if sarcastic. i know its all the hype nowadays to hate on The Room. I kinda liked it though.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


It was okay for what it was, but it would have been so much better if it were only 90 minutes long. That's the standard running time for comedies. Instead AVGN:TM is nearly two hours....and you feel every single minute and keep in mind, this is a one-note character who plays bad Nintendo games and talks about what animal he'd rather have spray its bodily fluids in his mouth than play a bad video game. That character barely has legs for a 90 minute film, much less one that's just six minutes shy of the two hour mark.

That said, some of the jokes actually worked. Overall, I get what James was trying to do, but his passion exceeds his talent. This would have been fine as a free release on Cinemassacre but as a full-blown feature film it fell flat.


Completely overlong, was checking how long was left from the 30 mins mark.

Low budget does not excuse abysmal script, maybe so the abysmal acting from 75% of the cast. Cooper - how on earth does he get any job never mind an acting job? Irritating from start to finish, obviously a token inclusion.

Nearly 2 hours of self flatulence.

AVGN - Youtube - Yes please.
AVGN - Feature Length Film - No thanks.

Hopefully the last.

They did well to cast the crazy general/Mutoid man - he was actually great in all his scenes.


No it does not. This movie's problem, and I've said it before, was that James' goal was too high for his personal and financial limitations. This should have been a smaller film set in Philadelphia. This was entirely the wrong direction that an AVGN Movie should have gone.


Much like ET the game, he tried to create something a little ambitious given his constraints. The movie might have been better if it was cut shorter (maybe 1hr 20 mins) and if the plot concentrated more on video games, which is what makes the youtube videos so entertaining. I really liked the parts that were clearly inspired by video games, such as entering the old guy's house in the desert or his ET dream sequence, but the rest kind of sucked


I respect his ambition, but ambition is no substitute for talent and the result made Plan 9 look like Avatar. Mind you, this is coming from someone who likes James' earlier film work. Even if he was going for 'so bad it's good', he failed spectacularly. I didn't dislike all of it, Credit where it's due, some of the jokes actually worked (though I'll be damned if I can remember which ones) and the best part of the entire movie was by far Robbie Rist. Tell me the voice of Michaelangelo coming out of that *beep* alien didn't give you a nostalgiagasm.

However, it wasn't enough to save the movie. I won't call it crap because the bits that actually worked kept me from hating it....but in spite of what was actually good about it, I can't recommend this to anyone except for hardcore AVGN fanboys who'll slurp down any crap Rolfe spoon-feeds them who've probably seen it already anyway.



Yeah, I had a similar experience of checking the time as I was watching this. It was too long. The best thing about it? I'll give it this, it was impressive at times at some of the things he did with the budget he had to work with. I didn't donate, but for those who did, at least it shows he didn't waste your money. For an indie movie, some of the scenes were visually impressive (one scene that looked really cheesy, though, and I even thought this in the trailer, was the scene in the secret FBI bunker or whatever. That even goes beyond the "so bad it's good" thing and begins to look like the set in a porno spoof).

Some people say that 95% of your body is made out of water. For me that's alcohol.

