MovieChat Forums > Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie (2014) Discussion > Bottomline: Is it better than the Channe...

Bottomline: Is it better than the Channel Awesome anniversary movies?

The score is lower, and given the larger and more fanatic fanbase the Nerd has, you would expect many people rate it 10/10 regardless, so the real score is actually even lower. Even so, it is still lower rated than any of the Channel Awesome movies.

But what do you think? Personally I find the Channel Awesome movies more entertaining. Don't get me wrong those are bad movies, but the jokes seems relevant and the characters portray their own counterpart, and they cost a whole lot less to make, and those are free, and they pay for their own movies, and it is funnier to watch than this. This movie is pure boredom.


It's on par with Kickassia, I guess.

I liked Suburban Knights way better. That's by far my favorite of the Channel Awesome anniversaries It just felt epic and most of the jokes worked. It's ironic I like this one so much because I'm really not a fan of the fantasy genre (i.e. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, that sort of thing...).

To Boldly Flee is just too long. Couldn't they at least have stopped at three hours? The first and last chapters were amazing, but the middle parts had hardly any memorable parts except for the Zod/Turrell interaction and Lindsey's musical number. Overall, I'd rate it higher than AVGN the movie, but probably only by a smidgen.


I didn't watch Kickassia but it's no where near Suburban Knights on an entertainment level. The jokes in that were at least attempting to be funny and well executed. In the AVGN movie, it was just so bland, juvenile, and didn't even make sense (bologna sandwich?).

I watched it with a friend and we've seen tons of movies together and have always managed to find something entertaining even if the film wasn't enjoyable. This one, we couldn't find one thing. We almost gave up on it forty minutes through, but we were both pulling for James, thinking maybe he could redeem himself, but alas he didn't. The whole film was a giant waste of time, and I actually regret watching it.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


Channel what?


Honestly, I found those movies way better written and way less cringe inducing.

This movie also dragged more than To Boldly Flee, believe it or not.


I'd say the Channel Awesome anniversary movies are SLIGHTLY better because the scope of them were much smaller. Oh, they suck, they suck hard, but at least they know what they are and don't try to be anything more.


I thought it was marginally better than the CA movies myself. Honestly none of the four of them are particularly good.

“When I split an infinitive, God damn it, I split it so it will stay split.” - Raymond Chandler


The Channel Awesome specals just got worse and worse. Kickassia was kind of cute I guess; it was a novelty at the time. But the others just got longer and longer and more full of themselves and added in too many characters/reviewers/egos that nobody cared about. When it comes down to it though, they were just a bunch of friends playing dress-up-- amateur--- and it showed. Watch Spoony's audio commentary of To Boldy Flee. He'll say, "Doug should have cut this scene out," and he's right about everything.

James made an actual movie here. It's not perfect, but it still pretty damn good and it's light years ahead of those Channel Awesome specials. I really don't know what you guys were expecting.


The Channel Awesome specials aren't much better. Kickassia isn't as good. Suburban Knights is slightly better and the only one I can say I enjoyed watching. And To Boldly Flee was so *beep* long I wasn't paying attention anymore halfway through so I dunno. I think James is getting way too much hate for this movie.
