Come up with a story idea...
Come up with a story idea of a real Angry Video Game Nerd movie featuring James, Mike, and Justin.
The AVGN movie we all wanted....
Come up with a story idea of a real Angry Video Game Nerd movie featuring James, Mike, and Justin.
The AVGN movie we all wanted....
The ZX Spectrum invades America and the Nerd is so appalled by its cheapness. Soon, the whole of the US is full of ZX Spectrum computers. With the help of a European gamer and an Amstrad CPC machine, the Spectrum invasion must be stopped.
The Nerd with help from Justin and Mike have to pay back the money to everyone that was dumb enough to donate to his movie.
tHe MuRdER CaPiTaL oF thE woRLd
'walk into this world with you head up high'
Even if you don't like the movie, the behind the scenes docos make up for it big time and are worth the price alone.
shareThe movie we were promised, when Rolfe first told the world about the movie, would've been good enough.
But my idea was always simple.
A 'mockumentary'-style movie, that follows the daily life of the Angry Video Game Nerd. It could explain the guitar guy behind his couch, where the shítpickle came from (or maybe not, on second thought), and so on.
It would be like Wayne's World - taking the skit part, and then expanding it into an interesting world, where events then happen.
The main point of the movie might be the mystery of bad games. Why so many bad games? Who is responsible? How could they allow this? What were they thinking? Instead of just asking these questions, like he has in some of the episodes (at least some of the questions), he would take on the mission to actually FIND TRUTHFUL ANSWERS to them.
The movie could show us Rolfe as AVGN interviewing the LJN people, the programmers, the producers, and whoever was responsible for each atrocity, and ask specific questions about the games and such. That could be the climax of the movie, together with maybe a couple of reviews (instead of only one - and this time, NOT during the end credits).
The reviews COULD also be interlaced into the movie itself - first there could be a speech to the camera about some game that ruined his childhood, and then we'd get a full review of the game, then we'd show AVGN arriving at the offices of the people responsible, then there'd be an interview.
There could be also all kinds of wacky stuff happening, as the AVGN lives in a weird world, where Street Fighter 2010 can come to life around his house, and where cloning is easy and odd sidecharacters are a daily event. Though we could live without the Bugs Bunny-crap (no pun intended), and similar skits.
Some kind of obstacle or chain of obstacles could be making his journey to the LJN offices more difficult, and a solution could be to complete a difficult and/or crappy game (a good excuse for another review moment) for him to proceed.
With enough imagination and clever usage of the side characters and such (even the ninja and glitch gremlin could be used), it could be a really entertaining, fun, wacky, inspired and interesting experience. And it absolutely would _NOT_ require an enormous budget. No need for explosions or many special effects, or even miniatures, really. Because it would really be about AVGN, his daily life, his quest and most importantly: _V_I_D_E_O___G_A_M_E_S___
That's my take on it anyway .. it's my loose idea as to what sort of movie it could have been (and that is pretty much what I wished it would be).
No UFOs. No Area 51s. No desert. No generals. No zombies. No token women or black characters. No useless side characters that we haven't seen in the episodes. No completely irrelevant storylines that have nothing to do with what the episodes have shown us. No skits. No Bugs Bunny. No 'nerd-Vans'. No fame. No fans. No newsclips. No obsession and with and overhyping one single game (and then mistyping its name for fear of lawsuits).
No mike 'incest-advocate' matei. (This is just my opinion, because I just can't stand that being, other than looking at his drawn title cards - if you have a different opinion, just watch the loudest "Lion" parts of the Alice in Wonderland episode in a loop for an hour, and then see if you get the point. Having said this, he was barely in the movie, so I guess this point would be a bit moot - just keep it that way, and it'd be great)
If the movie is about AVGN doing what AVGN does best, but expanded a bit to enter the 'real world' with this kind of AVGN-specific, very relevant quest.. then.. I think it'd be a great movie that everyone would love to watch.
But then, ANYTHING would be better than what he actually made. I can't believe someone as talented as Rolfe created a turd like that.