Open Letter to James

Come on James, you could do better. Iam still waiting for your movie, and it is not this certenly. I will tell you what you made wrong:

-pretentious locations. It drilled your wallet, you coudn´t repeat scenes because it was too expensive, you couldn`t relax, concentrate, focus, re do scenes. At the end of the day, in the movie it is just a location, one coudn´t notice if it was filmed in your backyard or in Los Angeles or a Hollywod special spot. Too much money wasted in not important scenes.
If you film in your house you could re do scenes, it is cheap and the final product is much much better

-Lack of known characters. Where was Kyle, or the bot, or Bugs Bunny. some characteristic characters of your series we were waiting for.

-Lack of confidence. You have talent, and there is no doubt you got it. Why, I mean, why you let Kevin Finn put his opinions?. Casting the annoying black kid (I dont remember his name, as he does not remember yours)

-Nintendo suit. Where was the power glove or the final fight, or the cap, you had very interesting ideas in the series

-Lack of passion.

I hope this helps you on your next project


A lot of it had to do with copyright issues being a theatrically released film. He had to get permission to use the Atari name and even permission to show the 2600 on screen. Nintendo wasn't going to give him rights to their stuff and Steven Spielburg holds the rights to the ET game and they were never going to be able to contact him so unfortunately they had to make do with parodies.

As far as location shooting, doing a film this size was always James' dream. With the amount of money that was funded for the film he was able to do more. Was it a bit too ambitious? Absolutely, from his own words but he had the opportunity to do it on a grander scale than what his web series production would allow so it's understandable why he went all out with it.

As a final product, sure it may have fared better going in a different direction being closer to the series in terms of characters and locations but you certainly can't fault James for the effort. He went above and beyond production wise because that's what he's always wanted to do. It was a massive learning experience for him and will no doubt help him improve his later efforts in terms of production and focus and budgeting.


You are right in everything you said, those locations were his dreams. I dont feel dissapointed by him, or underwhelmed, he has talent, no doubt, it is just i wanted to see him in a Director chair of a big film and this was his chance to shine.
