Where is Bootsy? (plus help me list the guest stars!)
Even though it's pretty polemic and you need a healthy dose of pulp/trashy taste to really appreciate it (which I did) it's unquestionable that the movie is a throwback to everything James Rolfe: we have Mike and Kyle playing a cool song on the desert convention scene, guest stars like Pat the NES punk and the Nostalgia Critic, *beep* Pickles is seen in various easter eggs, the creator of the game ET... probably even more that I failed to recognize! It really is a summation and "slideshow" of everything we loved about the AVGN series.
So my question is: did Bootsy appear in the movie? I know he's more of a Board James character but since they went "all-stars" with it I'm surprised he wasn't there with Kyle and Mike, at least, not to mention having a "bad luck" scene easter egg or something. So did he appear in the movie at all? Did I happen to miss him in a scene somewhere?
Also feel free to add other personalities and figures that I've failed to recognize since I'd like to know that too. I know most of the people on-screen are just hired actors and extras for the movie but there are a few other guys that I get a feeling I should have recognized...