Pure shite.

This is a movie for kids. Not a 32 year old... I was drawn to the movie because of the trailer and the cast - Jack Black in particular. But the movie was one big "meh"... Wish I hadn't watched it. 2 hours of my life that I won't get back. =(


Hi 👋🏻
A better alternative to the word is $h!t 😆


"Shite" sounds more polite. :-)


Yes, it is aimed at kids, but I don't think it is shite. It was an alright movie.


If the movie had been more faithful to the book, which is not only fun reading for kids but genuinely charming for adults, it might have worked.


Really? I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a nice film and you mention your age as if the movie declared itself as being for those in their 30's.


I liked it.

I paid three bucks, don't much like Jack Black as a human being, don't like Harry Potter and yet, I thought it was a fun little movie.

It wraps up, there's no endless sequels and it has Agent Cooper.
