MovieChat Forums > Emperor (2013) Discussion > Interesting, as US PIVOTS to Asia..

Interesting, as US PIVOTS to Asia..

you can see Hollywood for the simple propaganda machine it is.. ))

Its ALL POLITICAL.. Look at all movies about Japan and Japanese actors/actress lately.. Pacific Rim, Wolverine, Emperor, .. and the frequency is but increasing..

why? .. Its simple, their ALLY needs to be "seduced" for the incoming usage of him in the war against China.. so they "give flirt to Japan" by giving them homage like this..

first of all, this movie makes no sense what so ever.. the fact that Emperor was not prosecuted had nothing to do with McArthur but was a political decision made in Washington . .. also, when Japan pleaded for surrender before the nukes were thrown they said we surrender unconditionally as long as we keep the emperor.. US rejected this..threw the nukes, then agreed to Japan and kept Emperor free..

Basically this movie mocks the reality, and disgusting behavior of US at that time.. not to say Jap didn't deserve such behavior considering their horrendous crimes against humanity in China where they slaughtered 20 million chinese!..

to me its funny, just watch politics, geo-politics and see how hollywood follows their sugar daddy in Pentagon.. ))

and expect to see more Japan actors in Hollywood making a "breakthrough" that is nothing but a political decision..


Ah a conspiracy theorist.

No one wants a war, except idiots who have never seen what war does. It's funny how you view movies which happen to contain actors of non-European ethnicities as "propaganda", and yet you don't mention movies which have xenophobic war-mongering premises like "Red Dawn" which actually IS propaganda (the original was created at the height of the Cold War).

Also can you tell me a reason why a movie in Japan is not supposed to have Japanese actors? And in case you didn't notice, the US is multicultural. There are more actors of Asian (yes, including Chinese) descent in American films nowadays too because it reflects the reality of American ethnic percentages. And here's the thing, while they are of Asian descent, most of them are Americans portraying Americans. Or did you somehow think that "American" applied to whites only?

As for this movie, it's a very simply concept to grasp. He may or he may not have been guilty, but the prosecution of the Emperor would have destabilized Japan. Leading to even more loss of life. And it worked, didn't it? Japan is now back on its feet, and like Germany, they now actively avoid being instigators of hostilities. If they had executed the Emperor, think of what would have happened. Years more of uprisings, killing even more people from both sides. And decades of resentment that will afterwards color the outlook of Japan towards the West. Like the guy said in this movie, "revenge is not the same thing as justice".

Because that's what happened to Iraq. Bush and his cronies decided to fire all the surviving military and government personnel, leading to mass unemployment, riots, looting and the slow disintegration of Iraqi society. Total chaos, all because the idiot Bush assigned to oversee the rehabilitation, Bremer, did NOTHING to understand the Iraqis. AFAIK, they didn't even listen to their advisers who knew more about Iraqi culture. The result? The US had to extend their occupation, and the current provisional government is still struggling against the rising tides of anti-American jihadists who have taken advantage of the resentment of the masses against the US. There's even a new potential bin Laden in the making (Moqtada Sadr) and suicide bombings are becoming very common there. And all because someone bungled up the rehabilitation efforts so badly, it destroyed a nation's identity.
