MovieChat Forums > Emperor (2013) Discussion > Mathew Fox plays Fuller as an errand bo...

Mathew Fox plays Fuller as an errand boy.

Fuller is a General, and McArthur places great trust in him, but as acted he appears as go-fer or errand boy. You'd never believe such a person was a general.


Hey Pery,

In real life, Fellers was a class of 1918 graduate of West Point, and when he was promoted to Brigadier General in December of 1942, he was the first member of his class to attain that rank. Fellers and Eisenhower both served as company grade officers under MacArthur in the Philippines in the years prior to World War II. While Eisenhower went on to be the commander of all the Allied forces in Europe, Fellers served essentially as an analyst during WWII. He served with the OSS in Africa during the beginning of the war, and in 1943 he went to the Pacific as Chief of Psychological Operations under MacArthur.

In short, Fellers was an analyst who provided information for his superiors to make informed decisions. He was not a combat commander. The soldiers under his command were comparatively few in number for a Brigadier General, and, like Fellers, they were also analytical types in their duties. In his position, Fellers was always at or near his commanding officer, unlike a combat commander who would be in the field with his troops.

Whether one was a combat commander or an analytical desk commander like Fellers, I can assure you that all Brigadier Generals will be subservient to their two star Major General commanding officer. In Fellers' case, he was a staff officer to a five star General of the Army, MacArthur. You can be sure that Fellers and all other soldiers, from Privates to four star Generals, knew their place when in the company of General of the Army MacArthur.

Best wishes,
Dave Wile


Mr Wile,
Thank you for that background! I'm in the middle of watching Emperor and passed it because it also seemed implausible to me that a general would be working and behaving in that fashion. Your comments will really help me to understand and enjoy (I hope) the rest of this film. Thank you for taking the time to explain!
Leslie Ellis
