
After finally hosting and completing them i'm very disappointed. They were meant to be fun but when you are constantly loosing connection and not finding anyone to join it just gets repetitive.

It's also clear why they made us nearly wait 2 year to release them. Now most players wont use hard earned cash to put into the game, with the heists you can earn enough.

As much as I still love the game Rockstar could have easily made the servers more playable and have chosen not to, d*ick move on there part.


Now most players wont use hard earned cash to put into the game, with the heists you can earn enough.
Well, the heist finales, yes. I find myself replaying them to earn four to eight times what would be earned from missions and heist setups. I won't know what to do when there is nothing left to buy. Some people have thirty personal vehicles with 100% armor, bulletproof tires and chrome color, as well as every Pegasus Lifestyle Management vehicle. I'll note, I hope there is a DLC that includes the armored personnel carrier from The Ballad of Gay Tony. It's a faster vehicle than the Rhino tank.


I won't know what to do when there is nothing left to buy.
I'm learning now that there will be new things to do for as long as gameplay-oriented DLC are released.


I liked the Fleeca one and the last one.

The Prison one was a nightmare.

I just started the Fleeca one again with a random person but they only stayed for the first setup then rejected my next setup invites. What is point in joining if you're not going to continue


I just started the Fleeca one again with a random person but they only stayed for the first setup then rejected my next setup invites. What is point in joining if you're not going to continue
A lot of players are free agents who pay no attention to or care not for the heists' loyalty challenge concept. Perhaps they're only interested in unlocking specific things or looking to experience specific scenarios.

The Prison one was a nightmare.
Well, two of three teams of cooperating players have to work independently of each other initially, which adds some stress and dependence. Each team has to be good at what it does. The pilot player absolutely must have some skill or talent at evading homing missiles. The demolitions player absolutely must know how stop the driver of a moving vehicle and furthermore, at least somewhat, use a Buzzard Attack Chopper in an offensive manner against a object that can move much faster than any helicopter. Timing is an issue too. I've found that the Lazers won't stop coming after the Vellum until the prison break team escapes. As well, oddly the Lazers won't show up before the Vellum passes the Vinewood sign into the valley that is Sandy Shores. Basically, and a pilot inexperienced with evasive maneuvers would have to wait for demolitions to acquire the Buzzard before coming near the Sandy Shores airfield, or demolitions must go about his or her task in an extreme hurry in order to adequately "Protect the Vellum." Furthermore, the prison break team has to be rather swift too, lest the aerial team suffer through an extended stand off with Lazers. As for the prison break team itself, it is important that the guard impersonator be aware that the prisoner impersonator is only armed with an AP. O, and on top of all of that, every member of the crew must know how to parachute safely into land or water. Jesus! It's definitely a heist where everybody must carry his or her own weight.


Prison Heist: Pilot

Most people overthink that task. There is a simple solution. Get behind the faster moving jet and tail it. It will circle, and try to fly you over the prison, just make sure you fly high enough. Stay behind each jet and wait for the Buzzard pilot to do his job. Each time I used this method I was successful. The jet slows down as much as it can, but the Velum can fly slower. I had one Lazer crash itself while trying to fly slower than me.


Get behind the faster moving jet and tail it. It will circle, and try to fly you over the prison, just make sure you fly high enough. Stay behind each jet and wait for the Buzzard pilot to do his job. Each time I used this method I was successful. The jet slows down as much as it can, but the Velum can fly slower. I had one Lazer crash itself while trying to fly slower than me.
O, cool. I've seen other players do that with inside loops and sometimes inside barrel rolls. I usually wind up taking advantage of the homing missiles weak ability to transition from an ascending motion to a descending motion.


Sorry I took so long to reply.

After repeatedly retrying the prison. I find it a lot easier than I did at first.

One thing I did learn to do as the pilot was fly behind the jet, that way he can't shoot at me. That frees up the demolition so he went to help the others.
The only problem with flying behind the jet is that occasionally he can lead out to the shore but that's too much of an issue.

One of the things I did notice was the players to do them with. I've pretty much done them all with the same players but one of the players is very rpg happy which causes problems sometimes.

I think with heists people have different playing ways and you have to get used to them.


I'm on the final leg of the Humane Labs Raid and oh my god, what torture just to get to this point.

They really want you to coordinate and play with other players...problem is, I only really talk or play with my friends, but I've only got 2 friends who have a PS4 and only one has GTAV and he works complete opposite shifts as me.

So I have to play each heist setup/finale a dozen times before I actually finish it because I get complete morons joining and just screw everything up and then leave.
I get so fed up I have to take a break and go back to it after a few days.

You really should be able to complete setups on your own if you want, bring people in only if you need to. I understand needing 4 for the finale, but seriously...needing them for setups isn't necessary.

End Of Line.


I love the planning aspect and having multiple steps in order to achieve. Its so annoying when you cant get 4 people though, or you are in the middle and someone quits. They should have NPC's fill in if that happens, or have ones in which you can do all the work by yourself


The heists are the best parts of the game, the paleto heist is INSANE, my adrenaline started pumping immediately when I saw the crew kick open the door wearing the juggernaut suits and shredding the cops with their huge machine guns



The heist missions sucks just like the rest of GTA online. It takes you forever to join, the missions are annoying and badly done, and people constantly leave before its over. Just remember, it took them this long just to finally add checkpoints to missions. I wish a proper game company would make a GTA like game and show rockstar how its done.
