Most Annoying Character?

Who do you think was the most annoying character in this whole game? My vote, well one of my votes, is for Beverly Felton, the paparazzi guy. His voice sounds like Seth Green if he got kicked in the nuts. He's at his worst in the one where he and Franklin film Poppy Mitchell getting anal. I'm trying to keep the camera on her as she chases us, but the car keeps swerving and Beverly keeps yelling at me to keep the camera on her. It is SO gratifying to give Beverly his comeuppance in the last Paparazzo mission.

Second most annoying would be Dom Beasley, just for how cocky he was.

Jimmy De Santa (also has an annoying voice, sounding like Jonah Hill on helium), Tracey De Santa, Amanda De Santa, Devin Weston... and even though Lamar is a likeable character, he too can get annoying at times.

This game likes to try your patience with some of the more annoying characters to see if you'll endure and deal with them accordingly when the time comes.


Jimmy De Santa and Lamar are the most annoying for me.


I hate playing him. I hated him from the first few minutes of his introduction (the second one anyway, when he is banging someone's girlfriend then kills the guy), and have never stopped hating him because he reminds me of so many other psychopathic ass--les who bully innocent morons. I just play him out of necessity.


Then I'm guessing you choose Ending A every time.



And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


Jimmy, Amanda, and tracey


Floyd (and, to a lesser extent, Wade), and maybe Debra, too... so thanks, Trevor.


Franklin's ex-girlfriend.

She's an ex, so she should just *beep* off.



Trevor. Mainly because he killed Johnny, Terry, and Clay (and pretty much every other Lost MC member in San Andreas).


You think Trevor is annoying because he murdered Lost and the Damned characters?

Oh, and here's another annoying character: Cletus. In "Fair Game", as you're trying to plug an elk that won't stop hiding behind some brush, you wish he would just SHUT UP and let you concentrate.


You think Trevor is annoying because he murdered Lost and the Damned characters?
I didn't say he was annoying. I thought this was supposed to be most annoying/most hated character thread, like how M_Exchange didn't say he was annoying; he just said he hated playing as Trevor.

Lost and the Damned characters?
He murdered them, and the rest of the Lost MC. TLaD is my favorite GTA (regardless of what anyone says).


"He murdered them, and the rest of the Lost MC. TLaD is my favorite GTA (regardless of what anyone says)."

In the lead up to the release of GTA V, I played as Johnny for six solid months - possibly a bit more. You can imagine my reaction to what Trevor did.

It took me a while to get pass that.



In the lead up to the release of GTA V, I played as Johnny for six solid months - possibly a bit more. You can imagine my reaction to what Trevor did.
Yeah, I don't care how much hate TLaD gets. Rockstar screwed Johnny over and made him a scrawny weak junkie who's still with Ashley despite cutting all ties with her at the end of TLaD. I hated Rockstar for doing that. Johnny will always be my favorite GTA protagonist, despite all the Trevor fanboys who have never played GTA 4 saying that he sucks.

It took me a while to get pass that.
Yeah, I refused to accept the fact that he died the first week or so that I played Trevor's introduction mission. But, I eventually got over it. I didn't complain every day for 3 years straight like a lot of TLaD fans did.


Jimmy Se Santa is such a whiney brat. All he does is moan constantly.
