Most Annoying Character?
Who do you think was the most annoying character in this whole game? My vote, well one of my votes, is for Beverly Felton, the paparazzi guy. His voice sounds like Seth Green if he got kicked in the nuts. He's at his worst in the one where he and Franklin film Poppy Mitchell getting anal. I'm trying to keep the camera on her as she chases us, but the car keeps swerving and Beverly keeps yelling at me to keep the camera on her. It is SO gratifying to give Beverly his comeuppance in the last Paparazzo mission.
Second most annoying would be Dom Beasley, just for how cocky he was.
Jimmy De Santa (also has an annoying voice, sounding like Jonah Hill on helium), Tracey De Santa, Amanda De Santa, Devin Weston... and even though Lamar is a likeable character, he too can get annoying at times.
This game likes to try your patience with some of the more annoying characters to see if you'll endure and deal with them accordingly when the time comes.