GTA V Vs San Andreas?

Which GTA game do you prefer?

San Andreas wins over GTA V any day of the week, month year etc.

GTA V is still good but yeah San Andreas wins for me!


If they ever get around to putting San Andreas into GTA V's engine or bringing San Andreas into the new Los Santos it would be amazing!

SA is certainly the better game but GTA V is still a great game - particularly GTA Online with the right people.


I dunno, I certainly think GTA San Andreas had a better countryside and urban layout, with more interesting landmarks and landscape variety, and the missions (despite aged software and graphics) were more groundbreaking than in V (but V edges out on overall ground up polish, plus the story and characters). I really liked GTA V, but I found Online a mess on the 360 way back in '15 (and it since become a soulless cash cow that's sinking single player, ala Call of Duty).
